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I have very low self-worth how can I fix it?

I been having a Problem with my Self-worth ever Since 5th grade, because off my Autistic Out bursts I that caused people to ignore me which caused me to Harm myself Which Made more People ignore Me, even after I went to Therapy In order to Stop my Outbursts, I Still had them but way less often, Covid started and Obliterated my Social Skills because I did not have contact with any of my Friends, when 6th Grade started I started have outbursts again which ruined by chance of having any Normal interactions with any outside of my friend group, in 7th and 8th grade I realized that People did not want to be around me and it Tanked my self esteem and worth 

Its all my Fault and i dont know how to fix it 

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3 Replies

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Reply by Teddy<3


hello, we are complete strangers so I wouldn't know how to perfectly help... but I thought Id leave a message to reassure you that your struggles aren't what makes you loveable/unloveable. Sadly a lot of neurodivergent people grow up experiencing this. We weren't taught how to follow the social rules, and often the outbursts we (or you in this case) have are a result in stress. It isn't your fault that the environment you live in has hurt you this much. Honestly the best I can say is that in order to gain more self confidence, it has to start in showing yourself kindness. For example, the fact you made it this far despite your circumstances is enough to be proud of already. Again, were strangers. But based on your message it was hell to live this long. Also, you can show yourself some love by looking for things you enjoy about yourself. As basic as it sounds this does genuinely help. Even if its just your eyebrow shape or your taste in music, clothes, etc. Not everything will be ok obviously, yet you will make it to a point where things at least become a little easier. Just take it one day at a time. And if it helps, I and most definetly others who see you are proud.

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Reply by Nova.exe87


Reply by duncannnn


self-worth is a long journey that many people are going through, u are not alone and I've been going thru something similar. Just know that you are worthy of many good things in life, you have yourself for forever and learning to love yourself is a big thing. show yourself love, treat yourself to hobbies you enjoy, start becoming comfortable with yourself. other people around you might not take the time to get to know you, and that's their mistake, you are a unique amazing individual and you are the only you in this world. some steps to learning your self-worth can be, writing down things you like about yourself/things that make you unique, realizing that you deserve love just like any other person, start some self-care routines, show your body care and love. It is not your fault. It has never been your fault, even when it feels like it is. you may not be able fix what has happened, but you can patch yourself up and make your future brighter. your outbursts don't define you, only you can define who you are. I believe in you!

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