Unpopular opinion: 2016 and Eternal sucks. Both the music (with the exception of a few songs) and the burnt out "kill everything that moves on your screen" formula. Not much more can be said as even the most extreme fans can't find other points to highlight beyond that and "it's doom, you have to like it because it's doom!"
At least the sOoOo much hated Doom 3 had a mildly interesting lore and the occasional places to explore, with an "new" horror atmosphere. Not the Doom feeling of course but at least it was refreshing, something fairly new. 2016 and Eternal on the other hand bring absolutely nothing new, there is no fun in the gameplay since its just "GO TO PLACE A, KILL EVERYONE. NOW GO TO PLACE B, KILL EVERYONE" for hours. They are the ultimate expression of a generic, lifeless AAA title.
Bethesda knows this very well and when they have a massive loss of players every now and then (you can check the Steam database) is that they do things like lowering the price, adding events, or things like what they did years ago of mixing DLC with the base game.