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Is it ethical to buy dollskill???

Ok, so not to get political or anything, but for ages now I’ve been debating on the ethics of shopping from the FORMERLY Iconic brand, dollskill. And I think I came to a conclusion on it that makes sense. 

So, we all know why dollskill is problematic, but dose that mean we put our morals over cute shoes? Well…yes but come on, they’ve collabed with bratz and Ed hardy and juicy couture, but still…yes. It’s never okay to give money to a brand like dollskill, no matter how cute it is.

BUT…what about resold dollskill merch? Well, I think it’s a yes. In my book, as long as dollskill doesn’t make anymore money off us, shop away bitch! 

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Reply by SwampBatz


Once you're just buying it out of pure fashion choice, not like financial need, it's unethical af, especially considering how known it is to be unethical. I still have to agree with the statement "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism". As an individual consumer, we can, and really should do our part to make ethical choices, make sure we're putting our money to the right companies, all that. But there are times where that's not possible, and that's ok. That being said, things like fast-fashion hauls, discarding clothes after like a single use, even just being able to access better alternatives, you should just do better.

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