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Layout generator suggestions (if any?)

Posted by Eddie !!


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Hello! I come from FriendProject and decided to see what all the fuss was about with SpaceHey, but I found out that SpaceHey is coded very different, and layout generators like “pimp-my-profile” do not work here on SpaceHey. Are there any alternatives? 

I’m very basic at coding, and only know how to edit already existing code, I am nowhere near making my own. I thank those who post layouts and generously let people fiddle with them and toy around :)

Any tips or tricks would be cool too. I’m just used to relying on templates or generators, and they help me learn a bit, so a generator with this specific coding would do me wonders!!

Thanks :)

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Reply by Motte


all i can really suggest is the layouts section on here, then you can edit the code you get from those in whatever way you choose. but dont be afraid of learning, it isnt so hard!! :)

i would recommend w3 for learning how to do what you want with your profile, but i also found this site that lets you see what your changes would do to your profile in real time. which is a lot easier than constantly saving and trying to back-track to the same spot in your code frantically because you accidentally deleted a ton of stuff lol

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