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anyone here like wolf359?

Posted by m


Forum: Podcast

ive been obsessed with w359 on and off for a year and its one of my favorite podcasts. i just need/want somebody to talk about it with (or somebody to talk about it at me). just somebody plz fhskdhjdjd :]

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10 Replies

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Reply by Jose


I enjoy Wolf 359! I'm only up to episode 25, but it's definitely been an entertaining listen. I'm "rooting" for the plant monster out of everyone.

 If you're a fan of space sci-fi fiction I've got two wildly different recommendations for you to give a listen; VAST Horizon and Civilized. 

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Reply by m


oh, I love the plant monster!! and episode 25… oh, you’re right on the edge of quite a few of my favorite disasters on the hephaestus.

i do love sci-fi, so i’ll check those out!

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Reply by dakota 𓆣


omg i love wolf 359!! i'm making my mom listen to it and right now we're on change of mind

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Reply by it's mo


hi im. Very mentally ill abt every single character lol

i finished the podcast like... last year i think? still rotating it in my brain

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Reply by Sol?!


it's next on my listening list after I finish tma rn

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I love wolf 359! Last night i finished it, i was crying. 

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Reply by Television


not really sure if anyone on here is active anymore, but im listening to that rn!

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Reply by presley <3


It's literally my fav podcast ever!!!! idk if anyone is active here but omg I need someone to talk about it with

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Reply by presley <3


It's literally my fav podcast ever!!!! idk if anyone is active here but omg I need someone to talk about it with

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Reply by Carmilla



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