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What game do you regret buying in the past?

Posted by GG27


Forum: Games

What game did you purchased and then regret buying it?

My answer:  "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:  Out of the Shadows" on the PlayStation 3.  It kept locking up and crashing the console.  While being in the sewers playing as Donatello, his Bo (weapon) was to the the side of him (Not in his hand) while running around.  I believe it actually caused a major issue with the whole PlayStation 3 cause it wasn't loading the dashboard anymore.  Ended up having to factory reset the console just to play other games again.  Sadly, lost all the downloaded games and saved data cause of that game.  Never again will I get it on the PlayStation 3 again.

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5 Replies

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Reply by Penguin_karma


Sons Of The Forest. I loved the forest, so i bought sotf when it released but aside from some fun glitches there really wasn't anything to do.

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Reply by swaghaver


pokemon let's go eevee. super bland remake of red and blue but make it pokemon go for every wild encounter

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Reply by Edgar Allan Hoe


Outdrive , its a boring repetitive driving sim with a synthwave aesthetic and a decent ost. Whole point is just to drive to keep your cyborg gf alive with you engine, you lose if you come to complete stop and thats just it, all the achievements are just for driving for a certain amount of time straight (it goes into >10 hours wtf?)

at least I got it for really cheap during a sale

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Reply by sadking


The Division, the first one.
I remember having a friend hyping up the game and saying it'll be one of the best games in the generation, so I pre-ordered it.

When the game released I spent 12 hours in the game doing whatever, and my god was the game just empty and lifeless. Every enemy was a bullet sponge, there was barely anything to do, and if you played on PC you'd have to get into a line of players just to make your account/character.

I will forever regret getting this game.

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Reply by Zephlin


I bought mario tennis aces at launch (the switch game for people who dont know) i never really played it and was more or less a waste of money.

Fortunatly a friend had the same experience with ACNH (animal crossing new horizons) so we swapped which turned out really good for both of us as this was just before lockdown! 

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