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MSN Messenger up again !!! :)

Posted by Xyvraaq


Forum: General

MSN Messenger

who remembers MSN Messenger? one of the most famous social networks of the 2000s

it has been back thanks to the Escargot.chat !!!

there are several versions, and more will come
for now the available versions are from MSN 3.6 up to Windows Live Messenger 2009, (I'm currently using Windows Live Messenger 2009 because it supports group chats)

for anyone who wants to use MSN just go to Escargot.chat and follow the instructions step by step, if you have problems you can IM me

don't forget to add me !! (xyvraaq@escargot.chat)

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Reply by Moz


I remembered it, but I never used it. I used aol messenger and then myspace im and chatrooms 

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