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dead kennedys?

I've been listening to dead kennedys recently and while listening to holiday in Cambodia I realized that they just fully say the n word. I understand that the song is supposed to be satirical to an extent but it still seems wrong to use. I wanted to know other people's opinions on its usage in the song, especially poc punks?

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Reply by DistancedDylan2391


I don't mind it in all honesty as it's supposed to be protresting against the stuff that was happening in Cambodia at the time alongside not condoning the violence, murder, and the killings going on either or the Khmer Rouge. If anything it's moreso to add emphasis on the wrongdoings of the U.S during this as well as the people held accountable as well as showing how the government back then did not see people as humans unless they were privileged or powerful.

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Reply by kaya


im non-black so take this w a grain of salt but i truly think that the n word has no place in a non-black person's mouth whatsoever, idc if you're quoting a black person or something its still absolutely unnecessary. i think you can still listen to their music and understand that what they said was wrong, but personally i wouldnt feel comfortable listening to the specific song w the n word in it.

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Reply by RandomCactus


I agree with kaya. I just don't listen to that song. What they did was wrong and to my knowledge it's the only song where they do it. The messaging of the song isn't racist at least. (Death glare at Minor Threat)

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Reply by Hadyn


it's used with anti-racist intent but i still don't like its use in the song, so take it as you will. Los Angeles by X uses the word in the same way. the 80s were a very different time i suppose!

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Reply by camhatescardio


im black. i couldnt care less if someone says nigga not matter what race. i feel like people can put certain intent behind words. as long as you don't call me a watermelon munching porch monkey nigger, I really dont give a fuck

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