Welcome! I saw a distinct lack of a related forum, so I created one. Here you can share opinions and discuss about the latest non-English books you've read, or ask for recommendations!
The books can (and should!) have English translations; the sole purpose of this forum is not to flex said literature, but to give it a small spotlight for those who have never heard of it.
I can jumpstart by giving the very ordinary recommendation on my country's literature. It happens that, not unlike English speaking countries, we learn alot about our national literature works all throughout school. Anyone from around here will recommend works from Fernando Pessoa, a great portuguese poet famous for his insights, reflecting that of his troubled life. His collections of poems have been translated numerous times aswell!
I'm going to take a step ahead too and recommend another book that's a little more controversial, atleast in the national collective conscious. Its that of "Os Maias" by the author Eça de Queirós. I KNOW someone will eventually comment on this, but let me make my point. I think Os Maias is a great descriptive experience of the addictions and imoralities of the 19th century European aristocracy. The book follows the life of Carlos da Maia, an ambicious member of the Portuguese bourgeoisie, and the unfortunate events that follow into his voluntary exile and, more or less, the disgrace of his family name, due to some... very taboo reasons. People say its generally a chore to lecture this in schools, but i genuinely enjoyed it.