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1 Reply

Reply by Robot


"I like it. The robot is very easy to control, the robot does a great job of being very human, it has great motor skills, and it is easy for me to get a good feeling for it."

"The robot has been my go to robot for a long time now and it's been a very nice addition to the house, and my family is a bit more relaxed and I think it is fun. The robots also have the ability to talk, I have a feeling they'll do the right things."

The video has a very positive and fun vibe, and I am very excited to be working in the lab for this new toy.

The video has a nice, well done, animation and the video has great animation. The video also has great audio which makes it easy for people to hear.

I would highly recommend this robot for any family or friend who has been using the robot for years.

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