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songs you guys would wanna see played on tour?

doesn't matter if they've played it before or not, just songs you'd wanna see personally. also i'm so shocked this group is so empty...

id KILL to see anything off eowyg live, and very thankful they're playing more off folie this tour (yay for smfs!). along with that, i know afterlife, coffees, and Tiffany blews would go so hard live. i know some fob songs are super super personal hence petes refusal to play them but...

also if yall wanna talk more about fob/other 2000s "emo" bands dont be afraid to add me =P

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Reply by ar


i'm reallllly hoping they do get busy living at my date its my fav song ^__^ also would luv 2 hear i am my own muse or smfs live at some point this tour...

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Reply by (re)gina


g.i.n.a.s.f.s... i think they already played it at another date but it would be so awesome to see them play it at my tour date!!

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Reply by bryn


I would KILL to see “our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued.” Played at one of the concerts. Preferably the one I’m going too :3

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Reply by lexi/matt


i REALLYYYY want them to play its hard to say "i do" when i don't at my 2ourdust show, that would be so cool omg

i also want them to play pretty in punk :3

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