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This is where you can introduce yourself! If you don't really know what to say, I made a little template :)

(btw this is only a template, if you don't want to share some of the things that are put on here you don't have to share them)

- What's your name?

- How old are you?

- Where are you from?

- Which version of Phantom of the Opera is your favourite?

- If your fav version is the 2004 film/musical, what's your favourite song?

- How did you get into Phantom of the Opera?

- Do you have any merch?

- Have you watched it live? If yes, how many times + where?

- Who's your favourite character?

- Team Erik or team Raoul?

- Which character do you think is the most underrated?

- How do you think Erik got his deformity?

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Reply by ☆Hannah☆


I'll start 

- What's your name? Hannah 

- How old are you? 13 (almost 14!)

- Where are you from? Belgium

- Which version of Phantom of the Opera is your favourite? the ALW musical

- If your fav version is the 2004 film/musical, what's your favourite song? point of no return

- How did you get into Phantom of the Opera? My mom showed me the musical back in 2020

- Do you have any merch? yes! i have a keychain

- Have you watched it live? If yes, how many times + where? also yes, i watched it once on west end :D

- Who's your favourite character? Raoul all the way 💪

- Team Erik or team Raoul? Team Raoul >>

- Which character do you think is the most underrated? Carlotta, definitely

- How do you think Erik got his deformity? I think he was born with it :)

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Reply by Cute Nobody


I’ll continue:].

- What's your name? Karah.

- How old are you? 13.

- Where are you from? America.

- Which version of Phantom of the Opera is your favourite? The movie.

- If your fav version is the 2004 film/musical, what's your favourite song? The 2004 film. My favorite song from the film is The Final Lair/Track Down This Murder.

- How did you get into Phantom of the Opera? I resaw it in the Ron Clark movie.

- Do you have any merch? Yes; a necklace.

- Have you watched it live? If yes, how many times + where? No.

- Who's your favourite character? Madame Giry.

- Team Erik or team Raoul? Neither. Christine was better off.

- Which character do you think is the most underrated? Meg Giry.

- How do you think Erik got his deformity? From what I know and assume, I think he got it soon after he was born, in a fire that he made on accident one morning during winter.

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