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Have you had any paranormal encounters? If so, share them here!

I'll share mine in replies eventually :33

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Reply by Sam1s


Hola vengo a contar una anécdota de algo que paso cuando yo tenía alrededor de 6/7 años.

desde niña tuve experiencias paranormales pero eran cosas que pasan y olvidaba, ya estaba muy acostumbrada a eso por eso ya casi ni le tomaba importancia, no fue hasta que un día estaba en casa "sola" de la nada ví a mi "mamá" y ella me decía que me iba a llevar a un lugar muy especial, ella tomo mi mano y salimos a la calle, después de unas cuadras vi a lo lejos a mi mamá me desconserte mucho ya que entonces quien fue la que estaba en mi casa y quién entonces me estaba agarrando la mano, sentí que lo que sea que me estaba agarrando me apretó fuertemente la mano al punto de dejarme una marca roja pero cuándo quise voltear a ver ya no estaba aquella cosa que era mi "mamá", después de eso mi mamá (la verdadera) se acercó a mi y me dijo como había llegado hasta aquí (cabe aclarar que yo no sabía todavía salir a la calle y caminar sola).

Realmente es algo que todavía recuerdo mucho, nunca supe que era esa cosa y a dónde intentaba llevarme, mi mamá aún se acuerda de ese suceso y fue algo que nunca supimos explicarnos.

(Espero haberme explicado bien y si no es así losiento mucho (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

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Reply by Luan


Damn, I was about six years old, and I had to share a room with my sister on the second floor because the last one was full of water. We didn't have electricity or anything like that because the cables fell apart by the climate, and we had a second bathroom that no one really used, we only used the one downstairs, so I was too lazy to go down the stairs, but when I was at my sister's door about to go towards the bathroom, damnnn I saw that a tall, thin woman with curly hair like my mother came out of there, but she was so short and chubby, but they had the same haircut, but that thing passed so quickly toward the stairs. Broo, I shit myself when I saw that and started yelling at my mom, she arrived but she looked super different than what came out of that bathroom, plus she swore to me that it was just the four of us, my dad, my mom, my sister and me, no more person, nahh

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Reply by Jarvis


When I was about 13, I was hanging out with one of my friends at a water reservoir and we were looking up at this lookout tower and saw this weird tall figure. I felt a bit light-headed after that and I saw that time had changed to 10 minutes later since I saw the figure. I looked back up at the tower and the figure was gone. I still go to that water reservoir sometimes. Its very calming.

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Reply by Clownerie


Before my mom moved and I lived in her old house, I would go walking around the woods by myself ( we lived in the country side so it was a normal activity for kids to do, plus it’s ALL we had to do since our driveway was at least 1/4 of a mile into the woods. We were surrounded by trees. ) 

This one time I took my usual route, I would follow the stream so I wouldn’t get lost, and I walked out farther than usual till it led me to what my siblings called “The Glade”. 

It was almost like a perfect circle of an open field filled with lower calf high grass, and had one long that had fallen over. The stream ended before going into The Glade and almost directly across from it, on the other side, were trees whose branches were tangled into a door frame shape. There was a few going inside the frame but they weren’t as thick or as many as the perimeter of a door the other ones made. 

I went through it because I was curious to see what was on the other side and I saw what looked like the same stream, but coming from another direction around The Glade’s circle. I decided to keep following it.

I can’t remember how long I walked for but the stream soon split and I went to the right and I found one of those “Nowhere Staircases”. The ones where it’s just a wooden staircase in the middle of nowhere that leads to nowhere. I was almost tempted to climb on it but decided it didn’t look sturdy enough and I didn’t want to break it. Walking up to it had veered me away a little ways from the stream though because it was more uphill. When I went to walk back down the hill I heard these SCARY ASS GROWLS coming from the other side of the stream.

My first thought was a bear, because I live in an area where brown bears wonder, so I decided to stay up hill and while still trying to follow the stream. I tried to walk quickly but quietly tho so the bear wouldn’t follow me. 

The next time I heard the growl though it seemed to come from the other side of me. Not across the river to my left, but to my right where the river wasn’t and it was closer. It scared the shit outta me so I started running back to where the doorframe should be to the glade area. Now I know I said I thought it was a bear, but the second time I heard it that shit did NOT sound like a bear growl. I have no idea what it was. 

Soon I saw the door frame of branches and when I was almost there I started hearing weird whispering behind me so I started booking it and since I stayed up hill from the stream, I know had to jump over it in order to get to the other side. The water itself wasn’t deep, but the sides were doubled it because of when it rained and cut through it. 

Instead of looking back to see wtf was whispering at me I ran as fast as I could and jumped over it, and later at home found out my phone had fallen out of my pocket either when I was running or jumped over. 

I rushed back into The Glade area, and since I’m not the best runner and I usually don’t run at all I fell over and laid on the ground for a minute to catch my breath and breathe. I didnt hear the whispering or the growling anymore once I had made it inside. 

Apologies for this kinda long ass story, but yeah I never went back through that odd door frame made of branches but me and my siblings would still go to The Glade for picnics. We moved at the end of last year so I guess I’ll never know what was making those weird noises. I told my mom about it and she said was probably anxious and getting paranoid.

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Reply by Ghvst


A few years ago (maybe 2017 I wanna say about a year or two after she died) I saw my late great grandmother in her house standing over the furnace. (her house is old so it has one of those floor furnace grate things used to scare me as a kid too) She appeared as a pink misty apparition and with later paranormal knowledge I acquired I now know that pink mist means someone related to you. Recently I brought this story up last year during christmas and her close family that lived with her for years said that she always liked to stand over the furnace which was something I never knew. This experience was the thing that made me a firm believer and not just a hobbyist in the paranormal.  

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