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Dream I had that predicted the future 1

“1” because I’ve had multiple. Usually when this happens, the dreams repeat themselves for a couple of days.

Repeated dream 1: number of repeats 3/4.

When I had the dream, I had just started dating a girl (we’ll call her T), we’d been dating for a week or 2 and I’m still certain it was a prediction. In the dream, I was hangin out at a church in my town with a bunch of people I think would be cool to meet and some other homies. Eventually the wind started picking up and a storm started to coming through. The sky turned purple (T is a twin and her color was purple.) and all of us, despite not knowing what would happen, knew that we could not be outside when the storm happened. So we all packed up and started walking home, there was some extra things that happened after that segment, but it wasn’t really connected to anything I don’t think. The emotions I felt, the fear, the anxiety, and the slight panic I felt was a prediction for me and T breaking up, the storm symbolizing the mess that would come after (and boy was there a mess..)

Immediately after that one I had another dream that repeated twice. I’m certain it was also a prediction for our break up like the 1st dream was. I was at a men’s and women’s church combined activity (for years I attended those, but by the time I had the dream I’d already stopped so probably not an important detail lmao.)

 I hopped into this leaders truck and we went to the store to grab some stuff for the activity. I remember my mum asked me to grab eggs, it was those brown eggs tho (Idk if that’s significant or not but we’ve only ever bought white ones so like idk lol). I grab 3, one of them throughout the rest of the dream keeps rolling away from me and every single time I start panicking and I’m like “fuck noo!” thinking that I broke it. First time it rolls out in the store, second time it rolls out when we get back into the truck, and third when we get to the church, it rolls out in the gym. I can’t remember much from that dream after that and idk if it ever did shatter but I’m leaning more towards it didn’t or I woke up before it did.

Similarly to the first one, the dream was very metaphorical and me chasing the egg and constantly worrying about it cracking and falling apart was very similar to what I felt and how I acted during our break up. Both dreams had things that represented T and they both were about loss and chaos and I had them both shortly after we got together (I was not worried or thinking about us breaking up or anything like that during that time so the metaphors feel weirdly specific to me. I could be crazy, but when I had the dream it definitely felt like a prediction from the future. 

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That happens to me too 

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