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Let's do a About Me survey

Posted by Jessica Peden


Forum: Quiz/Survey

name: Jessica
nickname: Jess/Kiro
how old are you: 28
zodiac sign: Cancer
current location: Alabama
eye color: Blue 
hair color: half black half purple
hair type: wavy and to my chest
height: 5'4
your heritage: American
what's your middle name: Ann
shoe's you wore today: Cowboy boots
your weakness: my asthma
your fear: a lot; Clowns, spiders, and bodies of water to name a few
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: Nope
Do you want to:
goal you would like to achieve this year: to get a job
first thought when you wake up: what time is it
best physical feature: nothing
who is your bestest friend: I have no best friend
when is your bedtime: whenever
your most cherished memory: I don't have one
pepsi or coke: Pepsi
mc dondalds or burgerking: BK all the way 
single or group dates: depends
what is the last song you sang: Just look my way - Stolas' Lament
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: a little bit
what is your biggest pet peeve: Karens people who walk too slow
do you drink: No
ever been drunk: Yes when I was about 6
do you smoke: no
do you "SMOKE": no
do you sing: when i'm by myself it's terrible
what color underwear do you have on: Pink
do you want to go to college: nope
have you ever been in love: once
do you want to get married: ehh
do you believe in yourself: no
do you believe in others: depends
do you like thunderstorms: Love it
do you play an instrument: no but i'd love to learn guitar

what do you want to be when you grow up: who knows

what country would you like to visit: Japan
how many CD's do you own: 3 (1 barely plays)
how many DVD's do you own: a lot
how many tattoo's do you have: none but I want one
how many piercings do yo have: I used to have my ears pierced
how many things in the past do you regret: everything
shoes: I like Nikes but i'll wear anything
radio station: 104.3 WZYP, Rocket 95.1, and Star 99.1
drink: Dr. Pepper
car: Jeep
place: don't have one
song: Lollipop - Mika
movie: Lion King (non disney it would be Sleepy Hollow)
moment: don't have one
color: Black
meal: anything Pasta related
favorite eye color: doesn't matter
favorite hair color: doesn't matter
short or long hair: doesn't matter
height: at least taller than me
body type: sorry I like them with muscles (both guys and girls)
does ethnicity matter: Nope
piercings: it would be cool
tattoos: this would also be cool 
do you think you are attractive: Hell no
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: nope
would you like to be someone's fantasy: as long as they don't do weird things
hunter or hunted: possibly hunted because i'm not a hunter
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: wouldn't know
a little or a lot of tongue: depends on the situation
older or younger: older
lights on/lights off or candle light: I guess lights on
do you like to cuddle after: dunno
do you like to cuddle in general: dunno, never done it
what is todays date: 11/12/2021
what time is it: 1:38PM
who are you thinking of: no one
what are you listening to: Just look my way
do you love someone: no
do you know where your mechanical bull is: I don't have one
does someone love you: according to a friend, apparently (terrible decision)
is it raining: No
are you happy: i'm never happy

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16 Replies

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Reply by GRIFFEN


too many words im not doing that

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Reply by Chelsea Trent


I'm using this. :)

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Reply by Cupid the Wolf


name: Cupid, Kade, Artemis
nickname: Bug
how old are you: 17
zodiac sign: Capricorn
current location: New Jersey
eye color: Green 
hair color: Brown (Will be purple soon)
hair type: Straight, above shoulders
height: 5'2
your heritage: American
what's your middle name: Noelle
shoe's you wore today: Walmart sneakers
your weakness: needles
your fear: pregnancy, needles
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: Nope
Do you want to: NO
goal you would like to achieve this year: Need,, money,,
first thought when you wake up: Ew
best physical feature: Dimples, hips maybe
who is your bestest friend: ASHER AND DWAYNE
when is your bedtime: When I get tired
your most cherished memory: idek
pepsi or coke: Pepsi
mc dondalds or burgerking: burber king 
single or group dates: single
what is the last song you sang: Gilded Lily - Cults
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: uhh,, a lil
what is your biggest pet peeve: MOUTH NOISES
do you drink: No
ever been drunk: No, just tipsy
do you smoke: no
do you "SMOKE": no
do you sing: Yes
what color underwear do you have on: Pastel pink
do you want to go to college: no
have you ever been in love: yesss,, still am
do you want to get married: yes
do you believe in yourself: yes
do you believe in others: depends on the person
do you like thunderstorms: Ehhh
do you play an instrument: no

what do you want to be when you grow up: daycare worker

what country would you like to visit: Sweden
how many CD's do you own: 15+ can't really remember
how many DVD's do you own: none
how many tattoo's do you have: none yet
how many piercings do yo have: just my ears
how many things in the past do you regret: Dating her
radio station: 104.5 Alt Rock or WMMR
drink: Monster, Pacific Punch
place: mah beddd
song: too. many.
movie: Midsommar
moment: uuuhhh,,
color: Black n red
meal: PASTA
favorite eye color: Brown
favorite hair color: Anything dark or dyed
short or long hair: no pref
height: no pref
body type: chubby
does ethnicity matter: nahh
piercings: YES
tattoos: YES
do you think you are attractive: A lil
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: no
would you like to be someone's fantasy: just my bf
hunter or hunted: HUNTER
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: closed
a little or a lot of tongue: I-
older or younger: older
lights on/lights off or candle light: candles
do you like to cuddle after: yeeees
do you like to cuddle in general: YES
what is todays date: 3/6/2023
what time is it: 9:57am
who are you thinking of: my bf
what are you listening to: my teacher talk lol
do you love someone: yes
do you know where your mechanical bull is: WHAT
does someone love you: yes
is it raining: No
are you happy: yes

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Reply by Roman


name: Roman
nickname: Lucent
how old are you: 14
zodiac sign: Cancer
current location: Georgia
eye color: Gold
hair color: dark brown 
hair type: kinky
height: 5,1
your heritage: African American 
what's your middle name: Ni’keya
shoe's you wore today: Black boots
your weakness: my mental health
your fear: Cicadas
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: Yes
goal you would like to achieve this year: to get a job and more friends
first thought when you wake up: damn again 
best physical feature: my eyes
who is your bestest friend: my friend Ace 
when is your bedtime: whenever
your most cherished memory: meeting my girlfriend 
pepsi or coke: Coke
mc dondalds or burgerking: BK  
single or group dates: depends
what is the last song you sang: Some song by Steve lacy I forgot the name
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: a little bit
what is your biggest pet peeve: asking stupid and obvious questions l
do you drink: No
ever been drunk: Yes when I was about 6
do you smoke: no
do you "SMOKE": no
do you sing: when i'm by myself 
what color underwear do you have on: Gray
do you want to go to college: yes
have you ever been in love: yes
do you want to get married: yes
do you believe in yourself: no
do you believe in others: depends
do you like thunderstorms: Love it
do you play an instrument: yes flute and violin 

what do you want to be when you grow up: an artist

what country would you like to visit: Japan
how many CD's do you own:none but I do have 3 vinyl records 
how many DVD's do you own: a lot but lost them all
how many tattoo's do you have: none but I want one
how many piercings do yo have: My ears but I stretched them out
how many things in the past do you regret: everything
shoes: my demonias
radio station: don’t have a fav anymore 
drink: Cranberry juice 
car: Teslas or chargers 
place: home 
song: Helena- MCR
movie: Okkos inn 
moment: any moment where I’m laughing incredibly hard
color: Green 
meal: anything Pasta related
IN A GUY/GIRL:personality and looks 
favorite eye color: green 
favorite hair color: blue or red 
short or long hair: long hair 
height: doesn’t matter
body type: doesn’t matter
does ethnicity matter: Nope
piercings: it would be cool
tattoos: this would also be cool 
do you think you are attractive: Yes
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: yes
would you like to be someone's fantasy: as long as they don't do weird things
hunter or hunted: possibly hunted because i'm not a hunter
do you like to cuddle in general: yes
what is todays date: 3/23/2023
what time is it: 11:24pm
who are you thinking of: no one
what are you listening to: Nothing rn 
do you love someone: yes
do you know where your mechanical bull is: I don't have one
does someone love you: yes
is it raining: No
are you happy: as of right now 

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Reply by AaLiYaH✨


name: Aaliyah
nickname: Liyah/Catsy
how old are you: 13
zodiac sign: Aquarius✨
current location: Mississippi
eye color: Dark brown
hair color: Black or really dark brown
hair type: Kinky down my back
height: 4’11
your heritage: African American
what's your middle name: Dashayla my parents ship name
shoe's you wore today: pink Nikes
your weakness: Fear
your fear: a lot; Heights, people in general, any body of water you can drown in, any bugs, almost all animals
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: No!
Do you want to:Not really lol
goal you would like to achieve this year: find another crush
first thought when you wake up: where am I-
best physical feature: hair ig
who is your bestest friend: Addie
when is your bedtime: whenever but usually try to before 7 am
your most cherished memory: The time my crush ran his finger up my arm
pepsi or coke: Pepsi
mc dondalds or burgerking: BK, McDonald’s kinda gross ngl
single or group dates: I think group cause I be awkward without my friends
what is the last song you sang: Paw Patrol theme song
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: I mean..just a bit
what is your biggest pet peeve: slow walkers, people that chew with your mouth open and loudly
do you drink: No
ever been drunk: Nope
do you smoke: no
do you "SMOKE": no
do you sing : Yea I’m in choir
what color underwear do you have on: white I think-
do you want to go to college: eh maybe
have you ever been in love: multiple times
do you want to get married: Don’t know maybe
do you believe in yourself: not really
do you believe in others: yea most of the time
do you like thunderstorms: nah they annoying
do you play an instrument: no don’t really want to play one either

what do you want to be when you grow up: voice actor, interior designer, or graphic designer

what country would you like to visit: Japan
how many CD's do you own: 0
how many DVD's do you own: a lot
how many tattoo's do you have: 0 don’t want any either
how many piercings do yo have: 0 don’t want any either
how many things in the past do you regret: A LOT and I mean A LOT
shoes: ehh really like anything I can slide on with ease and goes with my fits
radio station: don’t listen to the radio but blasts my music from the back seat lol
drink: Root beer
car: None
place: don't have one
song: Took a trip to the hood - Lil Mabu
movie: The big bad fox and other tales
moment: when my crush told me I look pretty before disappearing
color:pastel blue
meal: garlic bread, cheesy bread just breaD in generic
favorite eye color: blue or brown
favorite hair color: uhh black, brunette, blonde or whatever
short or long hair: depends on the person like me some guys with long hair too but sometimes short hair
height: for girl and boys taller then me but I like short guys too even though I’m pretty short
body type: Like em kinda lean scrawny too my women with muscle or average
does ethnicity matter: Nah
piercings: kinda hot
tattoos: kinda hot
do you think you are attractive: not really
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: yuh and nope got a lot of crushes
would you like to be someone's fantasy: Hell yes do whatever you want heehee
hunter or hunted: Hunted cause who hell am I finna hunt with my scrawny ahh
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: never kissed before but probably eyes closed
a little or a lot of tongue: uh ya know it goes how it goes, either way
older or younger: older
lights on/lights off or candle light: I never thought about that but lights off
do you like to cuddle after: eh probably would like that
do you like to cuddle in general: I would probably
what is todays date: 6/3/2023
what time is it: 10:18 am
who are you thinking of: My crush
what are you listening to: Nothin right now
do you love someone: yuh a lot of people
do you know where your mechanical bull is: I don't have one
does someone love you: Uh yeah A LOT of people ngl including my crush
is it raining: No
are you happy: eh not really just chill

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Reply by padaw368


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Reply by August


name: August
nickname: Aug
how old are you: 17
zodiac sign: Capricorn
current location: Lithuania
eye color: Greyish blue
hair color: Brown
hair type: wavy
height: 167cm
your heritage: Lithuania
what's your middle name: Margarita
shoe's you wore today: Converse
your weakness: Guys w long hair
your fear: dark bodies of water
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: Yes
Do you want to: yes lol xd
goal you would like to achieve this year: dress better
first thought when you wake up: "i don't wanna wake up yet"
best physical feature: hair
who is your bestest friend: this metalhead guy
when is your bedtime: midnight usually
your most cherished memory: spending the weekend at the beach with my at the time boyfriend
pepsi or coke: pepsi
mc dondalds or burgerking: mcdonalds
single or group dates: both tbh
what is the last song you sang: bring me to life XDD
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: YESSS
what is your biggest pet peeve: liars
do you drink: not anymore
ever been drunk: yess loads of times
do you smoke: yes
do you "SMOKE": idk what this is supposted to mean lmao
do you sing: yes :3
what color underwear do you have on: white
do you want to go to college: yess
have you ever been in love: yes
do you want to get married: yes
do you believe in yourself: kinda
do you believe in others: yes
do you like thunderstorms: YES
do you play an instrument: yepp guitar
what do you want to be when you grow up: idek, maybe open a cafe
what country would you like to visit: America
how many CD's do you own: none
how many DVD's do you own: none
how many tattoo's do you have: none yet
how many piercings do yo have: 3
how many things in the past do you regret: too many to count

shoes: conversee
radio station: idk
drink: taro bubble tea
car: dont have a fave
place: the beach
song: the sadness will never end - bmth
movie: the dirt
moment: being on the rooftop on a warm summer nigh
color: black n red
meal: sushi
favorite eye color: brown
favorite hair color: idc
short or long hair: LOOONGGG
height: at least taller than me
body type: any idc
does ethnicity matter: nope
piercings: i don't mind at all
tattoos: would be amazing <3
do you think you are attractive: sometimes
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: yes
would you like to be someone's fantasy: only his
hunter or hunted: hunted
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: CLOSED DUHH
a little or a lot of tongue: uhh medium amount?
older or younger: older preferably, but no younger than a year
lights on/lights off or candle light: lights OFF
do you like to cuddle after: yes
do you like to cuddle in general: yes :pp
what is todays date: 28/10/2023
what time is it: 18:13
who are you thinking of: him
what are you listening to: nothing atm
do you love someone: yes
do you know where your mechanical bull is: dont have one lmao
does someone love you: maybe only family
is it raining: no
are you happy: in general no

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Reply by ☆*Glimmer.png*☆


name:: glimmer!
nickname:: glimmer lol
how old are you:: 19
zodiac sign:: virgo
current location:: earth
eye color:: honestly idek what to call it, but its kinda hazel
hair color:: currently bright flaming red
hair type:: straighter than me
hieght:: short
your heritage:: irish!
what's your middle name:: emily
shoe's you wore today:: i wore a pair of skull slippers today bc i just chilled at home lol
your weakness:: when ppl look rlly rough and mean but are actually so sweet and kind to everyone who isnt a bigot
your fear:: failure
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: yeah! i didnt win tho
do you want to:: i wanna have a cabin w my partner one day
goal you would like to achieve this year:: pass my classes lol
first thought when you wake up:: "i gotta piss"
best physical feature:: i really do like my eye colour, its rlly confusingly pretty
who is your bestest freind:: my younger sibling! <3
when is your bedtime:: im an adult, i make my own bedtime! (midnight)
your most cherished memory:: i dont actually know
pepsi or coke:: eh, im not too picky, but ill typically reach for coke
mc dondalds or burgerking:: idc either way i honestly dont taste much difference
singel or group dates:: single dates
what is the last song you sang:: I Wanna Be Free by PATD
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: YES OMFG the EFFORT it takes to learn it (source: im someone who plays guitar)
what is your biggest pet peeve:: people who judge others for no reason
do you drink:: hells yeah
ever been drunk:: yeah, and i plan on being drunk this weekend lol
do you smoke:: yeah when i can
do you "SMOKE":: dude im high rn
do you sing:: not very well, but it is fun and soothing sometimes
what color underwear do you have on:: ur mom
do you want to go to college:: im currently in uni, NOT enjoying it (i am a little bit)
have you ever been in love:: currently in a relationship of 4 years!
do you wnat to get married:: hell yes
do you believe in yourself:: not particularily, but i try more each day
do you believe inothers:: always
do you like thunderstorms:: literally my fave weather
do you play an instrument:: i play 10!
what do you want to be when you grow up:: im not too sure, but id like to be content
what country would you like to visit:: ive always wanted to go see the cool architecture of japan
how many CD's do you own:: i personally dont own any, but my family has a bajillion lol
how many DVD's do you own:: same as last answer
how many tattoo's do you have:: just one now, but hopefully more later on!
how many piercings do yo have:: 3 rn, but again, hopefully more eventually lol
how many things in the past do you regeret:: so many omfg


shoes:: skull slippers!
radio station:: i dont listen to the radio
drink:: vodka shots
car:: hearses <3
place:: my partner's bed
song:: hang em high by mcr
movie:: not rlly a movie fan, srry
moment:: idk
color:: red and black 4ever!!!
meal:: whatever im currently eating


favorite eye color:: any eye colour; ill find a way to romanticise it
favorite hair color:: any, but bonus points if its clearly dyed
short or long hair:: either, but i love running my hands in ppls hair
height:: any
body type:: any, but ppl who are too focused on being fit or skinny i cant be around
does ethnicity matter:: absolutely not
tattoos:: i love tats sm, but some can be red flags just based off designs obv


do you think you are attractive:: sometimes
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: nope, they sure as hell know im down bad for them lol
would you like to be someones fantasy:: i KNOW im someones fantasy
hunter or hunted:: neither, id rather have a tea party
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed, but sometimes i just gotta make sure theyre enjoying it
a little or a lot of tongue:: a little
older or younger:: same age preferably, only slightly older if not
lights on/lights off or candle light:: off, or with dim mood lighting like candles or red LEDs or whatever
do you like to cuddle after:: hell yes
do you like to cuddle in general:: always lol


what is todays date:: november 8th
what time is it:: 7:15
who are you thinking of:: my partner
what are you listening to:: a youtube video about fnaf lore
do you love someone:: yeah, my partner
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: WAIT WAS IT A EUPHAMISM-
does someone love you:: yes, my partner
is it raining:: nah, its snowing rn
how many myspace friends do you have:: none, but i have 3 on spacehey!
are you happy:: rn im pretty happy yeah

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Reply by ☆*Glimmer.png*☆


name:: glimmer!
nickname:: glimmer lol
how old are you:: 19
zodiac sign:: virgo
current location:: earth
eye color:: honestly idek what to call it, but its kinda hazel
hair color:: currently bright flaming red
hair type:: straighter than me
hieght:: short
your heritage:: irish!
what's your middle name:: emily
shoe's you wore today:: i wore a pair of skull slippers today bc i just chilled at home lol
your weakness:: when ppl look rlly rough and mean but are actually so sweet and kind to everyone who isnt a bigot
your fear:: failure
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: yeah! i didnt win tho
do you want to:: i wanna have a cabin w my partner one day
goal you would like to achieve this year:: pass my classes lol
first thought when you wake up:: "i gotta piss"
best physical feature:: i really do like my eye colour, its rlly confusingly pretty
who is your bestest freind:: my younger sibling! <3
when is your bedtime:: im an adult, i make my own bedtime! (midnight)
your most cherished memory:: i dont actually know
pepsi or coke:: eh, im not too picky, but ill typically reach for coke
mc dondalds or burgerking:: idc either way i honestly dont taste much difference
singel or group dates:: single dates
what is the last song you sang:: I Wanna Be Free by PATD
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: YES OMFG the EFFORT it takes to learn it (source: im someone who plays guitar)
what is your biggest pet peeve:: people who judge others for no reason
do you drink:: hells yeah
ever been drunk:: yeah, and i plan on being drunk this weekend lol
do you smoke:: yeah when i can
do you "SMOKE":: dude im high rn
do you sing:: not very well, but it is fun and soothing sometimes
what color underwear do you have on:: ur mom
do you want to go to college:: im currently in uni, NOT enjoying it (i am a little bit)
have you ever been in love:: currently in a relationship of 4 years!
do you wnat to get married:: hell yes
do you believe in yourself:: not particularily, but i try more each day
do you believe inothers:: always
do you like thunderstorms:: literally my fave weather
do you play an instrument:: i play 10!
what do you want to be when you grow up:: im not too sure, but id like to be content
what country would you like to visit:: ive always wanted to go see the cool architecture of japan
how many CD's do you own:: i personally dont own any, but my family has a bajillion lol
how many DVD's do you own:: same as last answer
how many tattoo's do you have:: just one now, but hopefully more later on!
how many piercings do yo have:: 3 rn, but again, hopefully more eventually lol
how many things in the past do you regeret:: so many omfg


shoes:: skull slippers!
radio station:: i dont listen to the radio
drink:: vodka shots
car:: hearses <3
place:: my partner's bed
song:: hang em high by mcr
movie:: not rlly a movie fan, srry
moment:: idk
color:: red and black 4ever!!!
meal:: whatever im currently eating


favorite eye color:: any eye colour; ill find a way to romanticise it
favorite hair color:: any, but bonus points if its clearly dyed
short or long hair:: either, but i love running my hands in ppls hair
height:: any
body type:: any, but ppl who are too focused on being fit or skinny i cant be around
does ethnicity matter:: absolutely not
tattoos:: i love tats sm, but some can be red flags just based off designs obv


do you think you are attractive:: sometimes
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: nope, they sure as hell know im down bad for them lol
would you like to be someones fantasy:: i KNOW im someones fantasy
hunter or hunted:: neither, id rather have a tea party
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed, but sometimes i just gotta make sure theyre enjoying it
a little or a lot of tongue:: a little
older or younger:: same age preferably, only slightly older if not
lights on/lights off or candle light:: off, or with dim mood lighting like candles or red LEDs or whatever
do you like to cuddle after:: hell yes
do you like to cuddle in general:: always lol


what is todays date:: november 8th
what time is it:: 7:15
who are you thinking of:: my partner
what are you listening to:: a youtube video about fnaf lore
do you love someone:: yeah, my partner
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: WAIT WAS IT A EUPHAMISM-
does someone love you:: yes, my partner
is it raining:: nah, its snowing rn
how many myspace friends do you have:: none, but i have 3 on spacehey!
are you happy:: rn im pretty happy yeah

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Reply by Goa Beauties


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Reply by Sara☆




name:: Sara

nickname:: -

how old are you:: 17

zodiac sign:: Virgo

current location:: School

eye color:: greyish blue??

hair color:: rn it's red

hair type:: pretty damaged

hieght:: 5'10

your heritage:: Finnish

what's your middle name:: Aleksandra

shoe's you wore today:: black boots

your weakness:: social anxiety

your fear:: dying

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: yeah

do you want to:: 

goal you would like to achieve this year:: get a job

first thought when you wake up:: eepy

best physical feature:: I have pretty eyes ig

who is your bestest freind:: Enrika

when is your bedtime:: usually 12 am

your most cherished memory:: idk

pepsi or coke:: coke

mc dondalds or burgerking:: burger king 100%

singel or group dates:: single

what is the last song you sang:: cheri cheri lady

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: absolutely

what is your biggest pet peeve:: when ppl don't replace the toilet paper

do you drink:: yes

ever been drunk:: yes

do you smoke:: no

do you "SMOKE":: no

do you sing:: not rlly

what color underwear do you have on:: black

do you want to go to college:: yes

have you ever been in love:: yes

do you wnat to get married:: yes

do you believe in yourself:: depends

do you believe inothers:: what

do you like thunderstorms:: yes

do you play an instrument:: unfortunately no

what do you want to be when you grow up:: a social worker

what country would you like to visit:: Germany and UK

how many CD's do you own:: like 50?

how many DVD's do you own:: like 20

how many tattoo's do you have:: 0 for now

how many piercings do yo have:: 5

how many things in the past do you regeret:: many


shoes:: Gothic shoes

radio station:: I'm from finland so radio city

drink:: grape fanta

car:: idk

place:: my bestie's room

song:: Solitary Man by HIM

movie:: The Crow

moment:: idk

color:: black, red and green

meal:: sushi


favorite eye color:: brown

favorite hair color:: black

short or long hair:: long

height:: taller than me (I'm 5'10)

body type:: doesn't matter

does ethnicity matter:: not rlly

piercings:: yes

tattoos:: yes


what is todays date:: 25.3.2024

what time is it:: 10:06

who are you thinking of:: my bf

what are you listening to:: my psychology teacher lol

do you love someone:: I do

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: what-

does someone love you:: yes

is it raining:: no

how many myspace friends do you have:: 284

are you happy:: yes I am

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Reply by LavenderLushLuxury ☭


name: Lavender (Just what I go online by NOT my REAL Name) 
nickname: Lavender
how old are you: 26
zodiac sign: Sagittarius 
current location: Texas
eye color: Medium Chocolate Brown (NOT TOO DARK, Though)
hair color: Changes depending on my mood with WIGS 
hair type: Naturally Curly AF 
height: 4'11 
your heritage: American
what's your middle name: Nicole 
shoe's you wore today: NONE 
your weakness: Dyscalculia (Math Learning Disorter)  
your fear: failure, the police, ETC 
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: NO
Do you want to: NO 
goal you would like to achieve this year: Get more Subscribers on YouTube 
first thought when you wake up: What time is it
best physical feature: My Body 
who is your bestest friend: N/A 
when is your bedtime: Whenever 
your most cherished memory: When I got my baby, Patches, & Raised him My 15 year old Cat that I raised from 2008 when I was only 11, From a Kitten to a Elderly Cat, Passed away last year :'(  
pepsi or coke: NONE, I hate Big Pharma Chemical Experiments 
mc dondalds or burgerking: FREE PALESTINE 
single or group dates: Idk 
what is the last song you sang: Lady Gaga - Fashion (The Fame Album One) 
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: Yeah 
what is your biggest pet peeve: The Capitalist Pigs & Millionaire Simps 
do you drink: YES 
ever been drunk: YES 
do you smoke: NO
do you "SMOKE": NO 
do you sing: By Myself, HAHA 
what color underwear do you have on: I have none On
do you want to go to college: I tried when I Graduated of High School, I honestly feel like because I have SEVERE Dyscalculia the tutoring WASN'T helping at all, I feel College is EXTREMELY Ableist and a Fraud / Scam TBH 
have you ever been in love: NO 
do you want to get married: IDK 
do you believe in yourself: YES 
do you believe in others: DEPENDS 
do you like thunderstorms: YESSSS
do you play an instrument: NO

what do you want to be when you grow up: who knows

what country would you like to visit: Australia 
how many CD's do you own: NONE
how many DVD's do you own: NONE
how many tattoo's do you have: 1 
how many piercings do yo have:1, Septum 
how many things in the past do you regret: Some Stuff
shoes: High Heels
radio station: I DON'T have a car or a radio so, NONE I Guess.... 
drink: Vodka with Grapefruit Juice 
car: N/A 
place: N/A 
song: 45 By Shinedown & I Am The Future By Alice Cooper 
movie: The Last Unicorn & Felidae 
moment: N/A 
meal: Chipotle Burrito with Steak, Quac, Queso, Spicy Red Salsa Sauce, Sour Cream 
favorite eye color: Brown
favorite hair color: Blue Green and EVERYTHING In Between, Or Colored anime hair in general AGAIN  
short or long hair: Long Anime Like Hair 
height: At least taller than me
body type: Curvy, Maybe with Big Boobs & A Ass (Like those Curvier Ecchi Girl ArtWork Photos) 
does ethnicity matter: I'm really into Asian Women, But It just depends on who in general I find attractive Honestly TBH 
piercings: YES, I think they add Character
tattoos: YES, I love Women Like Brittanya Razavi OR Jandi Lin, With The Heavy Tattooed Bodies, Tattoos are HAWT AF
do you think you are attractive: YES
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: YES
would you like to be someone's fantasy: MAYBE 
hunter or hunted: HUNTED 
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: I Wouldn't Know
a little or a lot of tongue: NO IDEA 
older or younger: IDK 
lights on/lights off or candle light: IDK
do you like to cuddle after: IDK 
do you like to cuddle in general: IDK, never done it
what is todays date: 6/11/2024 
what time is it: 7:22 AM
who are you thinking of: My Baby, Patches, :'( 
what are you listening to: Lady Gaga - Fashion (The Fame Album Era ONE) 
do you love someone: NO
do you know where your mechanical bull is: I DON'T Have One
does someone love you: IDK
is it raining: Yesterday It WAS!!!
....are you happy: NOT Right Now, NO

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Reply by Ashur


Idk why, but i really love answering questions about myself. 

name:: Ashur Boredom Hernandez-Simmons

nickname:: Ash

how old are you:: 15

zodiac sign:: Scorpio 

current location:: My room

eye color:: Brown

hair color:: Brown

hair type:: Wavy

hieght:: 5'4

your heritage:: Mexican/native american/european

what's your middle name:: Boredom

shoe's you wore today:: Black sneakers 

your weakness:: Spiders

your fear:: Spiders

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: No

do you want to:: No

goal you would like to achieve this year:: Live

first thought when you wake up:: "I wanna sleep forever"

best physical feature:: None of them (my ass)

who is your bestest freind:: I don't have any

when is your bedtime:: After 1 Am

your most cherished memory:: Idk

pepsi or coke:: Coke

mc dondalds or burgerking:: BL

singel or group dates:: I've never had a date

what is the last song you sang:: I don't remember

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: Sure

what is your biggest pet peeve:: My brother

do you drink:: No

ever been drunk:: No

do you smoke:: No

do you "SMOKE":: No

do you sing:: Yes

what color underwear do you have on:: White

do you want to go to college:: Yes

have you ever been in love:: Maybe

do you wnat to get married:: Idk

do you believe in yourself:: No

do you believe inothers:: No

do you like thunderstorms:: Eh

do you play an instrument:: No

what do you want to be when you grow up:: Astronaut

what country would you like to visit:: Japan

how many CD's do you own:: None

how many DVD's do you own:: Nome

how many tattoo's do you have:: None

how many piercings do yo have:: 2

how many things in the past do you regeret:: All of them 


shoes:: Black boots 

radio station:: Classic rock

drink:: Cherry coke 

car:: Idk

place:: Library or anywhere quiet and empty

song:: Dropshipped cat shirt- Wilbur Soot

movie:: The Poughkeepsie Tapes 

moment:: My last

color:: Green

meal:: Spaghetti 


favorite eye color:: Green/hazel

favorite hair color:: Brown

short or long hair:: Idk

height:: Similar to me 

body type:: Average idk

does ethnicity matter:: Nah

piercings:: Yeah

tattoos:: Yeah


do you think you are attractive:: No

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: Idk if he knows

would you like to be someones fantasy:: (I have been before it's annoying)

hunter or hunted:: Hunter

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: Close

a little or a lot of tongue:: Idk

older or younger:: Older

lights on/lights off or candle light:: Idk

do you like to cuddle after:: Idk

do you like to cuddle in general:: Idk


what is todays date:: Jun 21

what time is it:: 0017 hours

who are you thinking of:: Landon

what are you listening to:: Outside

do you love someone:: Yeah

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: The fairgrounds but it's not here right now

does someone love you:: No

is it raining:: No

how many myspace friends do you have:: None

are you happy:: No

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Reply by Anime.L<3ver


Name: Doctor (The following names are what I go by here, not my real name! :) )
Nickname: Doc 
What's your middle name: Shinigami 

How old are you: Well I'm a minor, hs age👍
Height: 5"5 
Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Current location: Ur mom's house

Your heritage: Hispanic/Caucasian

Shoe's you wore today: Vans

Your weakness: My asthma...... Men with long hair, masc women, women w/short hair, Androgynous peeps <3333333

Your fear: Heights, crossing streets, weird patterns

Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: Nope

Do you want to: Maybe?

Goal you would like to achieve this year: Maintain my good grades/ do volunteer work.

First thought when you wake up: Usually "Why do I have to get uppp..," "Its morning....." or just "Oh"

Best physical feature: my face & hair
Who is your bestest friend: I have no bestest friend

When is your bedtime: 10:30 >:<

Your most cherished memory: Going to the mall with the fammm
Pepsi or Coke: Idc
McDondalds or Burger King: Mickey D's
Single or group dates: That would depend both on if everyone is comfortable w/ each other and what the occasion is.

What is the last song you sang: Blue Sugar High- Renzotto

Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: Yeah, it's cool

What is your biggest pet peeve: Really indecisive people, really slow walkers, or really angry people. 

Do you drink: No
Ever been drunk: No, don't plan to be.
Do you smoke: No, I'd rather not.
Do you "SMOKE": Ngl, I got no idea what that means, so Imma just say no, for my safety :)..

Do you sing: Usually when i'm by myself it's terrible lol

What color underwear do you have on: Ur mom's tighty whiteys

Do you want to go to college: Yes

Have you ever been in love: Yes
Do you want to get married: Ehh..No? I don't want an official wedding... But if I do get officially married, you best believe I'm gettin a prenup lol
Do you believe in yourself: Yeah, mostly
Do you believe in others: Depends...
Do you like thunderstorms: Love themmm <3333
Do you play an instrument: No but i'd love to learn guitar, piano & ukulele.

What do you want to be when you grow up: An animator
What country would you like to visit: Japan

How many CD's do you own: Idk, I got a few here somewhere
How many tattoo's do you have: None but I might get a few when I'm older :-)
How many piercings do you have: I have my ears pierced, just the uzh
How many things in the past do you regret: Lots of things :)

shoes: I usuaully wear Vans, so Ig Vans
radio station: None
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Car: Pick up truck?
Place: My room
Song: Idk
Movie: Big Hero 6
Moment: Idk
Color: Steel Blue/ Like every blue
Meal: Chalupas/ Orange chicken w/ rice and noodles

Favorite eye color: Doesn't matter
Favorite hair color: Doesn't matter

Short or long hair: 
Men: Usually hair grown past the ears-longggg. 
Women: I usually prefer w/ hair going fr past the ears to shoulder length or upper back. Women w/ long hair and look more fem, I prefer they have their hair up: if they're more masc, I prefer hair down. 
These preferences still apply to my genderless loves, if they decide to dress more fem/masc<33:)) If they look completely androgynous to me tho, It's just pure perfection.<33 :D

Height: Not sure.. but I think some one who's not too short.. so like.. 5"3 and over?
Body type: Not too skinny, not too chunky, not too muscular.
Does ethnicity matter: Nah
Piercings: Definitely! Specially a goth/emo, and men in general! Love men w/ jewelry!
Tattoos: This would also be cool, no weird face tats tho :))

Do you think you are attractive: I'd say so. Depends on how I'm feelin tho
Are you attracted to someone who does not know it: No
Would you like to be someone's fantasy: If we are into each other/are partners.

Hunter or hunted: Hunter?

Do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: Idk, I think I'd close my eyes
A little or a lot of tongue: It would depend on what they are to me
Older or younger: Currently, I'd prefer the same age. If I were older, it'd be like a max of 3 years older/younger than me.
lights on/lights off or candle light: Candles or Lights off I guess???
Do you like to cuddle after: Never done it, but I assume I would probably do that.

Do you like to cuddle in general: Cuddling's not something I really do anymore, only when I was younger. I only ever really cuddle my doggo, and on rare occasions, a younger cousin of mines. Idk about cuddling, not really ma thinggg...

What is today's date: 6/29/2024
What time is it: 4:08 
Who are you thinking of: No one
What are you listening to: A DMMD playlist

Do you love someone: Family and friends!:).
Do you know where your mechanical bull is: I don't have one
Does someone love you: Yes
Is it raining: No
Are you happy: For the most part :-))

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Reply by nebular


name:: ---

nickname:: Nebula

how old are you:: 18

zodiac sign:: Taurus

current location:: United States

eye color:: Brown

hair color:: Red

hair type:: long

hieght:: 5' 9"

your heritage:: White

what's your middle name:: Null

shoe's you wore today:: None today

your weakness:: Adhd

your fear:: Heights

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: No

do you want to:: Not really

goal you would like to achieve this year:: Get a job and start work on some programming projects

first thought when you wake up:: Food

best physical feature:: Eyes

who is your bestest freind:: ---

when is your bedtime:: when I'm tired which is often 5-6am

your most cherished memory:: The two weeks I spent with my long distance partner

pepsi or coke:: Coke

mc dondalds or burgerking:: Neither

singel or group dates:: Either or

what is the last song you sang:: Feeling good - Michael Buble

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: Not really

what is your biggest pet peeve:: A know it all

do you drink:: Not much

ever been drunk:: Tipsy not drunk

do you smoke:: No

do you "SMOKE":: Not very often

do you sing:: Not often and only when alone

what color underwear do you have on:: ---

do you want to go to college:: No, don't want debt

have you ever been in love:: Yes

do you wnat to get married:: Yes

do you believe in yourself:: Most of the time

do you believe inothers:: yes

do you like thunderstorms:: No grew up in the midwest so I get anxious thinking about tornados

do you play an instrument:: No

what do you want to be when you grow up:: Front-End Developer

what country would you like to visit:: Japan

how many CD's do you own:: 0 as of now

how many DVD's do you own:: 5-7 not sure

how many tattoo's do you have:: 0

how many piercings do yo have:: 0

how many things in the past do you regeret:: not sure


shoes:: Vans

radio station:: Don't listen to the radio

drink:: Monster

car:: 1995 Mx-5 Miata

place:: Japan

song:: cold weather - glass beach

movie:: Howl's Moving Castle

moment:: Mother Mother/Cave Town Concert

color:: Pink

meal:: Ramen


favorite eye color:: Blue

favorite hair color:: Brown

short or long hair:: Medium

height:: Tall

body type:: Doesn't matter

does ethnicity matter:: No

piercings:: That's up to them

tattoos:: Up to them


do you think you are attractive:: No

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: No

would you like to be someones fantasy:: Eventually maybe

hunter or hunted:: ---

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed

a little or a lot of tongue:: ---

older or younger:: older

lights on/lights off or candle light:: Don't care

do you like to cuddle after:: Yes

do you like to cuddle in general:: Yes


what is todays date:: 7/10/24

what time is it:: 11:59 AM

who are you thinking of:: My Partner

what are you listening to:: Anti-Hero - SEKAI NO OWARI

do you love someone:: Yes

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: No

does someone love you:: Yes

is it raining:: No

how many SpaceHey friends do you have:: 5

are you happy:: Yes

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Reply by JackiHz


i removed some questions but here's mine


name:: Jaqueline-Jackson
nickname:: Jack
zodiac sign:: Cancer
eye color:: blue
hair color:: brown
height:: not tall enough
your heritage:: atp idk
shoes you wore today:: mah boots >:3
your fear:: dogs irl
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: i wish
goal you would like to achieve this year:: make some music
first thought when you wake up:: too damn bright out
best physical feature:: freckles
who is your bestest freind:: my fellow autistic irls
when is your bedtime:: not even i know
pepsi or coke:: irn bru
mc dondalds or burgerking:: neither
singel or group dates:: i am lonely
what is the last song you sang:: The Forest for the Trees - Chonny Jash
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: not really
what is your biggest pet peeve:: vapers
do you drink:: no
ever been drunk:: nope
do you smoke:: ew no
do you "SMOKE":: no
do you sing:: hell yea
what color underwear do you have on:: nunya business
do you want to go to college:: planning to
have you ever been in love:: yeag
do you want to get married:: no
do you believe in yourself:: hell yeah
do you believe in others:: usually
do you like thunderstorms:: FUCK YEAH
do you play an instrument:: xylophone, but i also wanna play bass
what do you want to be when you grow up:: game dev
what country would you like to visit:: none
how many CDs do you own:: 10, and they're all blanks
how many DVDs do you own:: 50, also blanks
how many tattoos do you have:: i have trypanophobia
how many piercings do you have:: none
how many things in the past do you regeret:: e v e r y t h i n g /hyp


shoes:: boots
radio station:: that one seal spin radio
drink:: irn bru
place:: home
song:: any Chonny Jash song tbh
movie:: Robots (2005)
color:: seafoam green
meal:: depends on the month tbh


favorite eye color:: i
favorite hair color:: honestly
short or long hair:: dont
height:: care
body type:: as
does ethnicity matter:: long
piercings:: as
tattoos:: they're nice


do you think you are attractive:: i
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: am
would you like to be someones fantasy:: too
hunter or hunted:: lonely
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: for
a little or a lot of tongue:: this
older or younger:: section
lights on/lights off or candle light:: guys,
do you like to cuddle after:: im
do you like to cuddle in general:: sorry


what is todays date:: 22/07/24
what time is it:: 9 pm
who are you thinking of:: Chonny Jash
what are you listening to:: nothing actually
do you love someone:: not even i know
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: ???
does someone love you:: i think so
is it raining:: nope
how many myspace friends do you have:: 9
are you happy:: meh

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