« Helping each other Forum

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Posted by seven


Forum: Helping each other

hi!! it’s been a year since i joined and i’m glad, i’ve met wonderful people i wouldv have met anywhere else, even though i’ve never spoke to them myself personally. but, because this is a forum and i can talk about whatever i want, i’ll just explain my situation, how do you feel if someone you knew for two years and became really good friends in less than a month suddenly ghosts you and doesn’t tell you happy birthday? (their birthday is a month before mines and i told them hbd but they didn’t say anything to me) and it’s been almost 8 months since my birthday which means it’s been 8 months since i last spoke to them. and i don’t know why i keep thinking about them even though they probably don’t think of me, these tarot readings might help but i still don’t know what else to think about, and i don’t go to the same school as this person anymore and i’m thankful for that, but i think they found someone else and now they have their profile with “iilwyt” i know i should get over them but it’s kinda hard, and im pretty sure im going to the same school as them next year and i’ll see the person they might like.. but a while back this person said they’re moving to this other city but they said that to me last time and it was a  lie, so i do not know about it now. UGHHHHH I HATE THIS! im not reaching out, i don’t wanna look desperate or fill their ego because they’re so full of themselves and bs like that, so…… yeah i just don’t know what to do!! i’ll leave it be for now

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Reply by UrlocalPossum


I don’t know if this will help but honestly just give yourself some time. It may take a few weeks, a few months, hell even a few years, but you will move one eventually. If you feel like you’re having trouble moving on, reach out to someone you trust or professional and maybe try to figure out why you’re struggling to move on, it might help. If you can talk to them in person it might help to ask if they want to remain friends or just inform them that you don’t feel like being friends anymore if that’s how you feel. It might give you a sense of closure even if it’s stressful. Finally I’d say don’t be worried if you take a while to move on, it can be a while, I mean I’ve take 2-3 years to move on from people I cut off, but it did happen eventually, so mostly just be patient and talk to someone if you need to and maybe tell them you don’t want to talk anymore or ask if they still do if you want closure. It’s the best advice I got, I hope it’s at least somewhat helpful.

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