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Todays rap music

Posted by Mrs turner


Forum: Music

ok maybe im old school , but todays rap music is trash to me . I cant understand anything they are saying anymore . I still love 2pac and all the older rappers . But what are yallls input

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Reply by Nick Axel Kauffman


Yooo I agree, but I'm loving the combination of hiphop, rap, pop punk, and pop these days. Great genre meshing!

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Reply by Vigilante Stylez


I agree.  I think it is cool if only a few people did Trap, or if people at the very minimum would put their own style and blend it, but they don't.  They are literally copying each other, a lot of the time using the same beat, and rapping or singing with the same flow pattern, and trying to copy each other's accents.  Back in the day we called that "biting".  Now they call it "cool".  Same with snitching. 

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Reply by Mrs turner


Thats what im saying . they all sound the same . i gotten to the point where I say forget it and listen to christmas music all years long . 

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