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Which is your favorite pilot?

Question: Which is your favorite pilot? And why?

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Reply by franci


tbh i think shinji ikari would be my favorite cause he's an accurate rep of like honestly just depression and idk why but that just makes me like him, like yeaa what he did to asuka was messed up and he should burn for it but still i somehow still have him as a favorite and honestly rei too because she's cute and rei chiquita, her representing yui also made me sad for shinji and just everything abt evangelion just ugg its so good

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Reply by ✿❀JESSE❀✿


i really like all of the pilots but i think my favorite is Rei.

i really like her depth as a character while most of people think of her as an emotionless doll she is actually way more then that and the role she played in the series is huge. also i could really relate to her sometimes and the way she communicates with other characters

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Reply by Reece/Finn


definitely rei :)) I don't have a long reason I just enjoy her as a character :D

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