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dreams of passed family members?

my aunt had a dream of my grandma in only 2 days after her passing she explained to my cousin, my mom, and my other aunt but they wouldn't but tell me the dreams because they thought I would be "scared" so I made them tell me, they said that my grammy was on the top of the roof in my aunts room just floating with creepiest look on her face while my aunt tried to get her down but she floated threw the roof like she was being carried away to heaven but the rest of the dreams she had of her were peaceful and nice except another dream she had this time I didn't have to get my cousins to tell me this one my cousin my aunt had a dream of grammy of her sitting in the front seat saying she's in pain and she's miserable while crying my aunt was trying to calm her down and than the dream ended she also had another dream that was creepy about my cousin who passed away maybe a year ago, she was leaving my aunts house forever I think she was staying in her house for awhile even writing this gives me chills I might not remember the whole story because the happened 2 years ago.

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