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What's your random unpopular opinion? And why?

Posted by anifervours


Forum: General

I fail to fathom why many like steak/beef.

(No, I'm no vegan. I love chicken)
I had a beef burger today for the second time of my life. It didn't taste like much but a destructive structure of meat.
Some other times I had beef, it was either hard as a rock or just impossible to chew. Maybe the cook doesn't know how to cook..
There's too many "levels" of cooking steak. Rare? Well done? Medium well? What?? As a kid, I used to think those were a way to halfway-compliment and halfway-criticize the chefs!
Rare? "Ah yes, I'd like my meat seasoned but uncooked and ready to be gnawed right off the bones!"

My family lives in the 'poorer' areas, and steak is considered to be the 'rich people' food. 

What's your random unpopular opinion? And why?

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7 Replies

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Reply by Gray


I don't like pork. It tastes flavorless aside from it's greasy taste. I always hate biting into all the unchewable fat and veins in it. I also feel sick half the time after eating it.

Unlucky for me where I live we're known to cook pork so it's popular here.

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Reply by be bop baby


cheese is really bad, im not lactose intolerant or anything but it just doesnt taste good

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Reply by Ale!


i think mushrooms are really gross and everything about them turns me off. the smell and the colour and the texture just :((( no good

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Reply by jason


We need 2 abolish

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Reply by Mo0nl19ht


I don't find conventionally beautiful people as good looking as society says i should :D. You know how people go like *insert generic white male actor* is so hot. I never get that cause to me they're never that attractive xP

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Reply by TheUserPerson


I microwave my milk before putting cereals in it

i know this looks like an extreme version of "milk before cereals!" but if i had my milk cold i would put my cereals before i promise.

It's just i don't like how the cereals feel with cold milk.

Like you have lukewarm cereals and milk fresh out of the of the -8°C fridge..

i just don't understand how the majority of people manage to eat like nothing

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Reply by c0mm0nc0ld


wednesday (the series on netflix) wasn’t actually that good

don’t get me wrong, jenna ortega is a great actress, but wednesday was just emotionless, lacking everything including wednesday-ness. it felt like she lacked all human feelings. i just feel like the addams family was weird, but they were still humans. the twist at the end was honestly not that good, and also wednesday was basically a huge bitch the entire time. 

i have a lot of unpopular opinions this is just one of them.

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