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Fake Friends/ Bullying /Juicy Stories

Posted by candyIcigs


Forum: Life

honestly down for some tea post your most random stories of your friends or like old friends idc rlly want to read shit rn💕

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Reply by arlo atomickk


Here's a crazy ex-friend story: they had a secret crush on me for a good few years before they decided to tell me via a snapchat snap which I took to be ironic/platonic because it literally just said 'i love you' over a blank background. Eventually, they started getting a lot more OBVIOUS about it, literally going as far as to stalk me and make a shrine of me, completed with candles and bottles/wrappers that they had fished out of the bin in school after i had used them and thrown them away.

When I got a girlfriend, they dragged me outside during school and started crying to me begging me to break up with her.

Long story short I stopped being friends with them and they turned into a nazi pro-life terf....

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