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I had a werid dream about someone’s granpa jumping of a bridge and then gets wings a flys to the sky and disappears

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Reply by Rafael


I believe that dreams have significations.

This one is quite interesting... did you know that grandpa? Maybe if it's someone's grandpa you know is dead(bonus if it's recently), it might be his spirit telling you goodbye.

I mean. Someone jumping off a bridge→literally dying or maybe doing a big jump/taking an important decision

→Flying to the sky with wings→angel→probably living the earth as dead or on the contrary, wings of freedom, which might mean that taking that recent decision was the right thing to do as now he feels lighter...

Maybe the grandpa is a part of you, an old part of you as it's an elder, so maybe it's like you have something you've been hesitating to do/to say, or wathever, for a long time and that dream is a sign that you should fucking do it to finally feel free from it.

Idk it might not mean a single thing but Im bored and I like to analyze that kind of stuff..

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