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untitled (original poem)

you are made of stardust and space foam, my love. swirling matter, all condensed into this planet we call home. through coats of impossibility, great filters of existence, you came to be. you are made from kaleidoscopes of color and electrifying galaxies humanity has yet to discover. i'd find you anywhere, my beacon in cacophony of sky. you've made a universe of longing out of me. these stars were hung, but they, they are dead things, remnants, aftershock compared to you. close the space between us and my world will end and remake itself. pull back and behind me will sprawl the entirety of the universe, dead stars, and an abundance of void, but i will see eternity sparkle within your eyes. what you weave in me is a world of living constellations, stories i don't know how to tell. you make a supernova in me.

(this is so cheesy, i'm sorry. this was a late-night ramble from a few months ago..u can really tell my special interest was space for a while)

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Reply by Bo


woahh i love this powm

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