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Any nonbinary people?

Posted by Casey!


Forum: Life

How did you came out to your parents/friends? I didn't came out yet,but I think that someday...

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Reply by Japes


For me I just said it one day, randomly. I was out as bi already so it was no big surprise. Not supportive, but also not outright hateful so huge win for apathy in their part lol

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Reply by beep bop


in the nonbinary/trans umbrella here.. never really came out to my
family just started using different pronouns with my friends/at work and
slowly everyone caught on? my mom asked about it once and i was just
like "Yeah im genderqueer aha" and there has been no conversation about it since

i guess it kind of helps
everyone knew i was queer already i came out in highschool as a lesbian/sapphic
during the school homecoming parade. I was walking with the pride club and ran up to my mom like "I LIKE GIRLS!!" and hugged her and ran away LMFAO (i dont id as sapphic anymore tho) so it was kind of
already a thing with me so no one was surprised i dont think lmfao ive always been obviously very queer

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