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Graffiti !!

Posted by 0head


Forum: Art and Photography

Any graffiti writers on spacehey?

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Reply by Schizofreniczny


omg i love graffiti 

its rlly cool living in new york, so much graffiti and history behind it, lmao i remember being mesmerised by it as a kid. LIke looking out the car window just staring at the graffiti on the brick walls and trucks

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Reply by 📀Dɪɢɪᴛᴀʙ


I'm not a writer myself, but I do a lot of graffiti inspired art, and put in my my stuff a lot:

Graff is just really sick yo, it's fun to learn about the history and check out local writers.

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Reply by callmebrutus


although mine are mostly political-themed and just notes for people to stay kind and reasonable, i still consider them as art and trying to make it look good. its not just writing on the walls, its a way to provide your message, and the best way to do it - to make it look good 

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Reply by kri


Love graff so much

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Reply by sleep stimulant


yess, me. hello :) 

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Reply by Frank_Kano


Yep, I´m from Ecuador, I´m a beginner but I already made 3 ilegal graffitis

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Reply by ilovemazachist


i have an insta where i sometimes post my graffiti, been writing for about 2.5 years

insta HERE

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Reply by swagbag


YES i love graffiti ive been doing it for 2.5 years now and ive never been caught some people have yelled at me tho sadly i dont have money to buy spray paint anymore so im gonna have to wait till my birthday:(

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Reply by swagbag



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Reply by SCOOB


SCOOB.ONE.DTN.FA outta glasgow scotland. If ur a writer add me n share ur stuff.


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