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Baby Witches?

Hi! My name is Jole. I've been identifying as a witch for years (I'm 17 and have been into it since I was around 12) but I fell off of researching and practicing due to personal reasons and issues with life. Is there any other witches who could maybe tell me where to start or what to do? I'm very analytical with things like this, so I kind of need a to-do list haha- 

Thanks guys! <3 

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Reply by dylan/mason


being completely honest i cant help with that as I've only been a witch for just under a month or two

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Reply by Nilla


Copy-pasted writeup I just made for a similar thread. It says "pagan" but honestly it mostly still holds if you swap "pagan/ism" for "witch/craft"


I want to preface this by saying that I do not
identify myself as a "pagan" and I do not follow or practice a tradition
that I call "paganism". I am a self-styled postmodern occultist with a
deep root in Abrahamism. Pagan beliefs and practices are solidly not my
lane. However nobody else has chimed in in two months and I hate seeing
"newbie" questions unanswered so I'm going for it. Feel free to call me
out if any of this is wrong or otherwise not okay.


is a broad umbrella encompassing myriad cultural and spiritual
traditions, so that's kind of a tricky question to answer. "Getting
started being pagan" could be a prayer to a deity or the Earth itself.
it could be picking up a book and learning how to cast a circle. It
could be leaving an offering to the fey in your home so they stop
stealing all your damn lighters.

It really depends on YOU. What
do YOU believe about the world? Where do YOU feel connected to the
Divine? Most importantly, what do YOU want to do about it?

be afraid to explore. Look for your local pagan groups and talk with
them, see what they're about. Read books on various mythologies. Try out
several different kinds of magic, and see what yields results. Pray to
various deities, and see who answers your call. You'll know when it
resonates with you, and it has that unmistakable spark of divine truth.

General advice that applies across the board:

Learn to meditate. If you think it's complicated or hard throw away
what you were reading and find something simpler, because it is very
simple and easy. Do it every day. Two minutes daily is FAR better than
sitting for half an hour twice a week.

2. Learn some form of
divination. The standard is Tarot, and for good reason, but Tarot does
take time to learn and understand and thus produce usable results. I
recommend starting with a pendulum. Other options are I Ching,
runestones, oracle decks, scrying mirrors, the list goes on. Don't ever
feel committed or tied down to one form of divination, if you find
something works better for you, use it!

3. Learn to make and use
wards: Malocchio, 6th pentacle of Mars, dreamcatchers, protective
ephithets and mudras and baubles of all kinds that work to protect you
from malevolent energies/spirits/whatsits. An unfortunate side effect of
spiritual practice is you become VERY visible to spirit entities, who
then come over to check out what's going on, and not all of them are

3.1 Please dear god do not "smudge" by burning an entire
bundle of white sage. unless you know the person who grew it, it was
very likely poached from the natives - and they don't use it like that
to begin with. If you must use sage please consider switching to a more
sustainable alternative like blue sage.

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