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does ne1 no where i can find y2k clothes?

Okay so like I found this thrifting app called depop that has tha ceeuuuuttesttt y2k clothes frm evry brand including apple bottom n ed hardy but I feel like I need 2 expand my search a lil more. N e suggestionz 4 otha appz or irl storez?

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Reply by pupici


hey bby!! i HIGHLYYY recommend checking out the second hand shops in your area. i live in a capital city and i just pick a day from the month to go thrifting in all of the stores in my neighbourhood. also, check ebay. you will find awesome stuff there for small prices. check out clothes fairs 2!!! 

best tips??

1. never underestimate tiny second hand stores, i was able to find some wonderful 2000s gems in the smallest ugliest stores

2. thrift early and allocate 1 day/month 2thrifting

3. thrift w a friend, it's sooo much nicer, trust me

4. patience is key

hope i was able 2 help u

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