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Fav KG song? And why? [pinned]

Posted by Harmony!


Forum: GIZZVERSE Group

I'm curious!! It's super hard to pick one out of the MANY they have, and the recency bias for PetroDragonic is YEARNING for me to pick Witchcraft, but I think I may have to go with either Open Water or Gondii. They just hit DIFFERENT for me yk? lmao

Open Water's theming is immaculate - with the main riff being absolutely infectious, supported by drums that absolutely drive the song forward in a way that's fairly unique for KG. The wah-wah pedal on the background guitar adding this bubbly, yet sludgy sound to it, the overlayed soundscape absolutely selling it. The lyrics painting a vivid image of someone drifting away and being stranded in an endless ocean, only to then be dragged down into the deep dark water below. It's SOOO good and one of the many reasons why Microtonal is always going to be "Top 3 KG Records" material.

Gondii... is different. It has a beating synth line throughout the entire thing, adding a bounce to it all. The effects on the vocals adding a weird yet interesting and fun tone to it all, especially during the chorus. The drums switching between different patterns and the constant building throughout. The odd woodwind-like synth in various parts of the song. It's such a strange and unique track in King Gizzard's entire discography, and it just makes my brain release serotonin every time I listen to it. I absolutely love it.

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Reply by Maunder



I've only recently started listening to KG since a friend recomennded it to me, but Gondii  sounds really nice! I haven't listened to the entirety of their Flying Microtonal Banana album, but from scanning through a couple songs it sounds absolutely fascinating. I like how the microtonal melodies are relatively consistent, being exploratory but retaining the rock aspect of their music. Other artists like Sevish, who are very experimental and release only microtonal music, tend to require a bit more patience to warm up to since it's so different and out there compared to traditional music.

..Anyway, so far my favourite songs have been from their Omnium Gatherum album which is what my friend introduced me to. Kepler 22b and especially Sadie Sorceress slap. Sadie Sorceress has an upbeat rhythm and an awesome bassline (this bit is what sold me), the lyrics are really well done, and hits the right spots. Kepler-22b's piano melody is so addicting, and that's mostly why I like it lol.

Hopefully that all makes sense as I don't really have a traditional knowledge of music theory so I can't easily describe why I like certain songs beyond "that bit sound good" lol

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Reply by Hazel


Open Water’s one of the tracks that really hooked me into KG, oh man. I can tell you that their newest album and L.W. are some of their best albums as far as I’ve listened. Slowly combing thru their discography…

East West Link is an audial beauty. In general I love love L.W.’s sound as a whole, but this track just kicks it to a new level. That guitar, the lyrics… it’s such a groovy, smooth feel to it. Like two different genres had a love child. Ugh, beautiful. 

Self-Immolate is kickASS, that entire album totally shocked me (in a more than good way). Compared to their more dreamy, upbeat Fishings for Fishies, you’re chucked into a barrage of sweet drums and turbo tempos. Oh my god, this album, delicious. Scrumptious. The song? Oh god, a sweet treat. A candy just right to eat. A little gift to my ears as a metal enjoyer. 

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Reply by NONAGON


hey hey!!

i’d say either 1. open water or 2. am i in heaven

1. the vocals, drums, just everything about open water is amazing, i love the way i goes from somewhat loud to quiet!

and 2. the acoustic opening, the lyrics are amazing! just the execution of the entire song is amazing, the guitar being somewhat distorted during the acoustic parts, it’s just an overall amazing song!

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Reply by Mack



I don't know if this is a basic response, but I can never get enough of Gamma Knife.

Back in highschool, I was really going through a huge shift in my music taste. I started listening to more psychedelic rock, blues, and generally older music. I had been listening to a lot of Jimi Hendrix on soundcloud and Gamma Knife popped up in the queue automatically. It was completely new to me and it blew me away, I had it on repeat for AGES! I fell in love with KGLW ever since!

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