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Tips to stay safe when exploring?

Hello I am new to urban exploration! I found a house me and my friend want to explore but it’s all boarded up. There’s also neighbors somewhat close by, but there’s woods in between them. What do you guys think? Is that a place worth trying to explore at all, or is the risk not worth it? There aren’t any abandoned places where I live (at least that I can find haha) so my pickings are slim.

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Reply by endy


i'm very late replying to this, so you may have already explored there, but for future reference: your local government likely has a website with a live property map that you can use to check out who owns the place- if its still privately owned (you may get in trouble for trespassing), if its government owned (you're unlikely to get in trouble for trespassing), or if its unowned (you will not get in trouble for trespassing)

as for physical safety i'm not so sure but this sounds more like what you were asking based on the post anyways

hope this helps!

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