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givve me an unpopular take about anythin homestuck related!

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Reply by frankie_fatal X_x


i like vriska :P not in spite of her being a bad person, because of it. shes just silly <3

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Reply by Berna


Tavros is so annoying!

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Reply by ✰Jay✰


Equius comes from a good place even though his actions are absolute shit and if he didn't die so early in the comics he could have been redeemed to an extent 

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Reply by MaroonAmanita


Act 6 was pretty good and i really liked cherubs and caliborn as a villan

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Reply by Mikey💥


i could fix cronus. just give me like. a day. 

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Reply by mS p41nT!!


i think eridan should've gotten a 2nd chanse like vriska did, and i believe he could've gotten better

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Reply by Eurgh



I also im really sorry but like. Ok say gamkat kinda is like not very amazing sorry👎🏼 I cant see them as anything but pale

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Reply by XxKilla_KrisxX


caliborn is funny...... sorry hes an asshole but the fact hes a misogynist but draws yaoi is so funny to me.... stupid little guy why cant he be normal

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Reply by Big CheeZe


not sure if its a hot take but the fact that we only see the results of some big fights instead of the fights themselves makes me so mad

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Reply by *•`.🫧 feferi 🎀


99.9% of the male trolls are ugly and quite frankly estrogen could save them from being so hideous 

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Reply by AdairTrashart


i really like reading the gigantic walls of text even when theyre using a lot of words to mean not that much at all
also the trolls have a far more neutral fake skin color than the humans and the plain white for the humans makes it harder for me to want to draw my ocs in a homestuck style because a couple of the ones i draw more have darker skin which leads to me coloring them weird shades of various colors or just making them trolls to get around it in a way that doesnt make me uncomfortable

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Reply by Max:O


i think ppl r dramatic abt the epilouges, although i dont like them myself, there also comes a point where u gotta understand tht the reason the candy timeline is written so poorly is bc june decided to not fight LE. she literally let canon die, thats the whole point of the candy timeline. its to give perspective on what would happen if the stop motion scene in homosuck hadnt happened and everything collapsed!!! it sucks on purpose!!!!

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Reply by Angel.OK


the old homestuck vibe will never be able to reborn. Allow me to explain. Even if modern homestuck fandom is still super nice and awesome, have great people in there and other cool stuff, but it never be able to be like homestuck fandom in 2013 for example. It was much more crazy and edgy (???) i guess. nowdays people are a bit too softie, so homestuck fandom now is not such crazy and random as he was back in 2010-x. But it still great place to be honest!

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Reply by mayノluna 🍓


not only am i gonna give mine i'm also gonna go down and individually judge everyone else's entries for the funsies. mine is that i'm a jane crocker apologist. anyway

"i like vriska :P not in spite of her being a bad person, because of it. shes just silly <3"
> fairly unpopular and also valid tbh. personally i couldn't stand her but that was when i was a 13 year old who took everything too seriously i wonder what i'd think of her upon reread

"Tavros is so annoying!"
> not unpopular

"Equius comes from a good place even though his actions are absolute shit
and if he didn't die so early in the comics he could have been redeemed
to an extent"
> decently unpopular though i think its mostly because no one cares about him. i do agree

"Act 6 was pretty good and i really liked cherubs and caliborn as a villan"
> don't think this one is super unpopular but not popular either i guess? i don't remember enough to objectively assess a6's quality but i had no issues with the cherubs so 👍

"i could fix cronus. just give me like. a day."
> i believe in you. go for it tiger.

"i think eridan should've gotten a 2nd chanse like vriska did, and i believe he could've gotten better"
> unpopular for similar reasons as equius he just didn't have much focus. i don't like him but i do agree


I also im really sorry but like. Ok say gamkat kinda is like not very amazing sorry👎🏼 I cant see them as anything but pale 😞"
> see above. also i'm ngl i've never seen anyone have an opinion on gamkat ever i guess i agree because i don't care much for their dynamic as a ship either

"caliborn is funny...... sorry hes an asshole but the fact hes a
misogynist but draws yaoi is so funny to me.... stupid little guy why
cant he be normal"
> i've seen this sentiment more than the opposite but it isn't prevalent by any means. also this is real

"not sure if its a hot take but the fact that we only see the results of
some big fights instead of the fights themselves makes me so mad"
> haven't seen discussion on this BUT I AGREE NOW THAT YOU BRING IT UP

"99.9% of the male trolls are ugly and quite frankly estrogen could save them from being so hideous"
> yeah. REAL.

"i really like reading the gigantic walls of text even when theyre using a lot of words to mean not that much at all
the trolls have a far more neutral fake skin color than the humans and
the plain white for the humans makes it harder for me to want to draw my
ocs in a homestuck style because a couple of the ones i draw more have
darker skin which leads to me coloring them weird shades of various
colors or just making them trolls to get around it in a way that doesnt
make me uncomfortable"
> haven't seen many ppl voice this either but this is also so real

"i think ppl r dramatic abt the epilouges, although i dont like them
myself, there also comes a point where u gotta understand tht the reason
the candy timeline is written so poorly is bc june decided to not fight
LE. she literally let canon die, thats the whole point of the candy
timeline. its to give perspective on what would happen if the stop
motion scene in homosuck hadnt happened and everything collapsed!!! it
sucks on purpose!!!!"
> yeah i was also on the epilogues hatewagon a few years back but in hindsight i'm not sure any of it should have been taken that seriously lmao

"the old homestuck vibe will never be able to reborn. Allow me to
explain. Even if modern homestuck fandom is still super nice and
awesome, have great people in there and other cool stuff, but it never
be able to be like homestuck fandom in 2013 for example. It was much
more crazy and edgy (???) i guess. nowdays people are a bit too softie,
so homestuck fandom now is not such crazy and random as he was back in
2010-x. But it still great place to be honest!"
> i see what you're saying but for me personally i'm not sure if more edginess in a fandom is such a great thing lmao

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Reply by Betty_B0ther


Feferi had EVERY right to be mad at Eridan for the way he treated not just her but everyone else. He was mentally and exhausting. Also Eridan is literally so annoying.

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Reply by Betty_B0ther


Feferi had EVERY right to be mad at Eridan for the way he treated not just her but everyone else. He was mentally and exhausting. Also Eridan is literally so annoying.

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Reply by 𓆟 Gilbert !! 𓆟


I agree with Betty_B0ther!

I think a lot of people don’t realize that Eridan was genuinely psychologically abusive to Feferi as her Moirail. He was constantly draining for her and resorted to self-deprecating tactics whenever he was given the slightest bit of criticism to keep her under his control. With that being said, I’m so proud of her for getting the courage to leave, and I feel like if Eridan hadn’t died, it would’ve actually been nice to see if his character redeemed himself and learned a bit of self-confidence! Poor Feferi 38(

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Reply by BracingStripes


Eridan and Gamzee would have been better "redeemed" characters than Vriska. I wish there was some time spent genuinely exploring them in Act 6 in the dreambubbles, instead of having the dancestors get such a big role. 

I get that Vriska's whole character is a commentary on the idea of an author's favorite/mary sue and all, but there was nothing interesting about her after she came back post retcon. Except that one scene where she confronts her dead self. That part gives you some insight into her narcissism and how her selfish desires to be remembered as a hero are driving the plan to finish the game.

I really wish Eridan got a little bit of that sort of thing too. And Gamzee, well, I'm not exactly sure where you'd start with him, but there has to be something to do with his addiction problems and violent temperament that doesn't just treat it as a forever joke.

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Reply by averageGamester


I am so sorry but I do not like davekat or davejade and honestly I feel like most of his ships flanderise him or his partner. 

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Reply by simonCAT


1 Some characters don't need to be redeemed.

2 Feferi didn't owe anything to Eridan.

3 Sharpie bath jokes are even unfunnier than bucket jokes.

4 Cronus is the most overrated character, everything that people like about him is fanon.

5 Everything about Homestuck is just a smear campaign against Jane Crocker (CopiumCopiumCopiumCopiumCopiumCopiumCopiumCopium)

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Reply by digitalminstrel


guy that said "i could fix cronus" is wrong because only i can. we've been married for years now. back off!!!!!!!! also, i think its sad that some homestuck fans ive seen think they can't change their opinion on characters. like- once they hate them, they can't UNhate them you know. 

also typing quirks are awesome. 

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Reply by baitbiz


the dancestors are so fun and funny for a viddy game where im not reading allat,

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