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Fantasy book reccomendations?

any fantasy, action, or romance stories anyone reccommend, for ideas I like the Hunger Games books, The Queen's Assassin, Harry Potter, Six of Crows, Twilight, The Scorpio Races, and The Invsible Life of Addie LaRue.

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Reply by Phospholipids


The only 'real' fantasy book I've read recently is Stardust by Niel Gaiman, and I'd definitely recommend it. It is simultaneously easy to read and very evocative of it's magical imagery. Reading it reminded me of being a child of maybe 9 and just being completely immersed in a fantastical world. It's sort of an 'isekai' story.

Also, though maybe not what you meant, I'd highly recommend houseki no kuni aka Land of the Lustrous. It's an ongoing manga about a group of a-mortal and genderless gem people on future earth who try to ward off attacks from deity-like lunarians. The story follows the main character, Phosphophyllite (just look at my name, you can tell I like this manga) who is weak and unsuited to battle or any other useful task.

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Reply by 1st Generation


I dont read a ton of fantasy but i do read about mythology and relgion. if you want some really cool and out there concepts than i recommended getting into hindu mythology since its prolly the craziest shit ive read. plus all the art is extremely breath takingĀ 

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Reply by heaveninyourhead


the poppy war trilogy(check tw before reading),once upon a broken heart and the cruel prince trilogy

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