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Best places to shop?

Posted by Sofia :p


Forum: bimbos of spacehey Group

I live in a prominently white area with LOTS middle aged white women and all the stores here either have the ‘smiley face’ preppy or js leggings and sweatshirts.

And I dnt rlly like thrifting. Even if I did all that would b there is granny clothes. I’m js looking 4 affordable places to shop, with good quality 🤷‍♀️. (And nth 2 revealing cuz my parents wld 

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Reply by duncannnn


i use temu and other cheap sites to buy my stuff but I also get hand-me-downs from my family. maybe ask some family members if they have any old clothes bc they might have some clothes from the 2000s that they are trying to get rid of. I did this and my grandma had a bunch of cute bags that she gave me that are so cute! you can also check depop which has some slightly more expensive stuff but they have some really cute finds for bigger pieces. I hope this helps you!!!

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Reply by bo ann :]


Personally i LOVE depop, mercari + fb marketplace. U can always try sum charity shops (UK), wait nevermind scratch dat... try sum vintage/deadstock stores (US/Europe) in ur areas ^_^ U can get some totally chic shit there!!!  Love emoticons

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Reply by ThePwnzor


prolab y at store

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