« Friends Forum

Fwiendz?! (15-20 preferably <3)

Posted by Mediocre Mint


Forum: Friends

HAI!!! This is a lil blurb thing for any one really looking for friends on here >w< 

The age thing is because I don't feel comfortable with with people too old or too young °×° I soooo wanna be more active but like- interactions are hard >m< 

Anyone from any Fandom is welcome~ but I'm personally a scene/emo/Furry ^w^ just say hi and maybe we could make a lil fun group chat :]

Tell me some Fandoms or things you like! <<<333 

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3 Replies

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Reply by flunita ☆ヽ(´▽`)/


Haiii im into scene/emo stuff too :33

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Reply by Mediocre Mint


Hai ^w^ it's really nice to meet you!!

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Reply by ♱ . SALEM


Haii im looking for friends to activly interact with and we have simular intrests !!

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