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What on your thoughts on Kirby: Right Back at Ya?

I remembered watching all the episdos back in 2019 before they were taken down by Nintendo. I really love the anime, but what do you think of Kirby: Right Back at Ya?

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Reply by Jagódka


I watched pretty much all the episodes before they got removed too, but back in early 2018 instead. This is actually where my Kirby obsession started in the first place! Kirby's cuteness and Meta Knight's sexy Spanish accent instantly won me over. I love the CGI used in the show. I think that it looks very good, or charming at least and suits a show about Kirby quite well. I really loved Waddle Doo's voice in the original Japanese version as well. What I do not like though is how Tiff and Tuff are taking Kirby's spotlight away. I think that Kirby should have been a bit more independent and mature. I didn't mind it when I first watched it, but looking back I would enjoy a KIRBY anime a lot more rather than a Tiff anime featuring Kirby. I'm also insanely mad that they didn't add a single unmasked Meta Knight scene. Fangirl appeal aside, MK hiding his cute Kirby face from everyone used to be like his only personality trait before the anime!

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Reply by Atticus Atlas


I think they're fun! :3 I personally take the anime and integrate it with my interpretation of "Kirby Canon." I believe I also watched them dubbed on YT forever ago, but luckily w the help of Operation HNK I've got them downloaded and available in sub and dub :3 I still mainly watch dub tho lmao

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