« Goals, Plans, Hopes Forum

What are your goals for the future?

Tell me all you hope to do in the future! Here are my goals!

- I want to move to Toronto, Canada and live in a cute apartment near a subway station

- I want to get my bartending licence and be a bartender and cocktail waitress in a popular downtown nightclub

- I want to be able to sleep in until noon and spend my free hours of the day painting, writing, drawing, and creating

Let me know yours down below!

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Reply by John


It's been advised to not overshare this sort of thing but hERE WE GOOO

- Get out of debt by the end of next year

- Start saving money

- Accumulate enough money to hold me up in Iceland for a bit

- Attend university in Iceland-- likely in Small State Studies

- Find a job in government 

- Start or join a nonprofit centering around city upkeep and development

- Write more electronic music

- Family?

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Reply by Deaths_Smile


My goals are:

- Starting an online shop.

- Going to art college to learn animation and comic illustration.

- Start a webcomic.

- Move to Canada (not exactly sure where yet)

- Work at small animation studios.

- Save up enough money to start my own studio.

- Get a Victorian-style house built in the woods.

- Live the eccentric woodland hermit life I've dreamed of (outside of work lol).

I also plan on getting into some other art forms and video game making as hobbies outside of all that.

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Reply by !! Jacksy₊˚⊹♡


Your goals are so awesome that sounds like such a fun way to liveeee—!!!!

For me I’d just really like to move out & in with my bf & a friend , just thinking abt decorating my own place & having a place of leisure is so nice to think abt…. I also want to finish college & get a decent job even if it’s a lame one so I can make enough money to spoil the both of them forever!!!!!

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