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did anyone else get massively bullied as a child for like no reason

Posted by Mackenzie M


Forum: Neurodivergent Folks of Spacehey Group

that stuff fucks people up so bad, please don't bully anyone 

i still can't trust anyone around me, and i automatically assume everyone's lying to me. i'm tired of being treated like a fucking toy. we are people too and we deserve basic human decency and respect like everyone else. 

neurodivergent children are statistically more likely to be bullied than neurotypical children, because we are seen as "weird" compared to everyone else. they shun us simply because our brain works differently. it is NOT and it will NEVER be our fault.

also, people who bully tend to put it on a different trait (which is associated with your neurodiversity) instead of admitting they're ableist. absolutely disgusting


children who have been bullied are more likely to develop ptsd. 

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Yes. I was bullied from 1st - 9th grade. Unfortunately, it's pretty much a universal experience to be a victim of bullying for us neurodivergents. :(

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Reply by liam


I was always seen as “weird” or “different” and because of that I was always bullied, recently i got diagnosed with adhd (might be autistic) and people weren’t surprised about it. The reason I don’t have many irl friends is because if people are caught hanging out with me they’ll get bullied for it because they’re hanging out with the “sped kid” and apparently that makes them weird too. Idk sorry if that didn’t make sense 

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Reply by Malice! <3


Literally yes!!! If not bullied then at least shunned, given distance and/or treated like a weirdo. It's like all those assholes could tell I was neurodivergent before either of us even knew what that meant.

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yes yes yes! my childhood was freaking horrible because of the bullying :( For the record, i was recently diagnosed with OCD so yeah-

Being the "weird perfectionist kid" made my life hell, and it was a very sad scenario because the bullying didn't stopped at school, in my house i was bullyed by my own family whenever i did my rituals. People should be more empathetic with us neurodiverse people :c

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Also, I would personally like to add that I used to be a bully myself in preschool and kindergarten, but this was due to my social awkwardness. My victims were mostly the other girls in the same class as me whom I was jealous of for some reason or another. So I've technically been on both sides of the bully/victim equation.

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Reply by Dead Weight


Oh, for sure. I mean, I had a target painted on my forehead, to boot:
  • autistic
  • domestic ab*se survivor
  • lolpoor
  • immigrant
  • BPD
  • social anxiety/ineptitude
Funnniest part is that one of my bullies, the one who made it so bad I tried to rope myself at age 11 is now a councilman running for senator.

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Reply by Cofecito


Me la pase muy mal 1° a 3°, me golpeaban muy constantemente detrás de la escuela, cuando me cambié de escuela los próximos 3 años no fueron tan malos solo en excluian pero ya no será abiertamente violentos, fue difícil pero tuve que aprender a comportarme como una persona neuro normativa 

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Reply by cowboysupernova


yeah, less bullied, more a victim of being "othered" by people in their eyes and sorta coddled at times

felt sort of like i was an exhibit more than a person

it felt weird, and it was not very nice

not to mention all the fucking sped comments

they're a bit much

sprinkle in a bit of people saying they have a "touch of the tism" and you have the average autistic experience for me

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Reply by mawl「マル」


oh yeah... apparently just not getting social rules or just paralyzing and having a speech loss episode when asked on the spot just makes them think you're dumb...

moving countries didnt really help with being the outsider...

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