hey, so im a bit late to the party but ive just looked this user up and checked them out.
"Jargon1267", with the user URL as "entoprocta", currently last online 4 months ago, and the last post to the blog being 6 months ago. currently standing with 18 friends, and its mood being, and i quote, "vilevilevilevilevilevilevile"
im guessing either a shitpost account, or possibly somebody creating an ARG. Blog seems to suggest something with making friends, being scared or possibly thinking that they themselves are some type of force?? talks about trying to get into peoples dreams to deliver a message and also brings up things like believing in the lord and rejoicing. apparently something is hurting them and there is some type of "ringing"? by ringing i'm guessing either like ringing ears or maybe a phone or something. there's also the chance of this just being pointless and maybe just a kid being odd. i don't think i'm going to look into it much further unless something else comes up. happy investigating everyone.