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central europe (things to see, etc)

Posted by Netz


Forum: Travel and Places

i'm going on a trip to central europe (poland, germany, czech republic, austria) and i'm very excited especially for the museums, memorials, and the music in austria (specifically mozart's birthplace)

we'll be having the chance to stop by any places along the way we get interested in. generally around berlin, warsaw, prague, munich, salzberg... etc

i'm wondering if anyone who has been before or lives there has any suggestions on what to visit! i personally really like things that most tourists aren't really there for but the locals are really proud of or wish more people would see. my personal treasure in my home country is the bakeries and local parks :-) food, sweets, restaurant recs are also 100% welcome,  as well as alcohol to try while there and what to stay away from (i hear germany has the best beer lol! i don't drink much but if i do i'd definitely want something worth it!)

i also really love music and museums, especially art and science and animal or history related, weird things like the medieval torture museum in st augustine were my shit lol. i'm super excited to find any music museums in austria.

last but not least if anyone living in one of these countries passes by this post i'd love to know if there's anything tourists do that locals can't stand because i want to be as least of a bother as possible while i'm there lol. i know that where i'm from we hate tourists from the north because of how dogshit their driving is

peace! :-]

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