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Jill Tuck

I’m curious about y’all’s thoughts on Jill Tuck. A lot of people have mixed opinions on her.

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Reply by Elza


I feel like she's not that well written?? Idk ever since Hoffman got into the picture the entire plot is basically just like the fnaf games, changing every time a new movie comes out. And I also lost interest in some aspects of the plot. Although I like Jill as a potential to the story, sometimes I feel like her character is somewhat redundant (the only exception is when Straum is totally obsessed with finding John and starts harassing her, even the ending of 3D is meh). So I cannot really give an opinion on her personality since sometimes I find her unreasonable.

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Reply by Meowstic2008


Honestly sometimes I forget she exist along with half of the cast for the next 3 films in the series since after 4 to me at least it kind of went down hill from there since it started to focuse more on the traps than the story itself since it was kind of messy (at least to me) once Hoffman took over as Jigsaw.

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