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pleease, can you give me some advices on how to socialise...?

Posted by purcin


Forum: Helping each other

im really tired being alone... i want to talk with real people, not in internet. i don't know how to socialise, im scared to meet and talk with someone in real life... what can i do?

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Reply by arlo atomickk


I think the best (and probably scariest) option is to go out and meet people. It is easier said than done but I think going to social events (like going to a party, bar, club or even a park!) would allow you a window to talk to and meet new people. Bring an extroverted friend with you if you can and get them to start the conversations! 

If talking to people in real life is too difficult you could always talk to people online before trying to meet up with them. 

Having a few preplanned conversation starters is very helpful! Also, one tip I've always found helpful is that a conversation will never lull if you just ask the person questions about themselves; people love talking about themselves! and it will make them feel like you genuinely care about them, so inspire a greater potential of a friendship!

Lmk if any of this helps (im not great at socialising myself but i tried my best w this advice lol)

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