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little tip for transmasc people!!

any fellow transmasc people ever wanted noticeable facial hair, but aren't on hormones or cant seem to grow it? i got a hack >:D

1. Get mascara that somewhat matches the color of your eyebrows, preferably waterproof

2. Use that mascara on whatever pre-existing facial hair you do have (most people do have it, but just too light to notice)

3. Let it dry before drinking or eating, and make sure to carry the mascara to touch it up if needed

now you got facial hair!! this tends to work best with mustaches but you can make small beards work too

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Reply by Silly_<3


Tips for hiding your chest shirts with repeating pattern all over it or a a shirts with a big graphic on the front. Compressive sport bras or one size smaller. (Don’t go 2 sizes smaller like seriously.) Baggy clothes in general BUT make sure they are not TO oversized. It might look you smaller.

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Reply by XxLeeDaKillaxX


Can’t afford a binder? Take two sports bras, wear one normally and the other one backwards ontop of the normal one. Treat like a regular binder (DO NOT WEAR FOR MORE THAN 6-8 HOURS!!!)

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Reply by teddy ^//^


my turn to jump in

wear your pants at the hips instead of the waist. it’ll give your pants some more bag, draw attention away from your waist, and overall give you a more rectang

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