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[adult swim] styled profile layout help.

I'm currently delving into making custom profile layouts for my profile and I'm having trouble coming up with a style for the one I wanna go with.

You see I want to create a profile that looks and feels like the [adult swim] website or like an [adult swim] bumper. The only problem is that I don't think a profile with strictly black-and-white colors would look too good in practice. The white text might look nice but I feel like having the background and profile background strictly be just the color black might not look too please unless I add a white border around it.

Anyone got ideas on how I can make my layout look nice even with black-and-white colors?

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4 Replies

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Reply by Jezebel


Ooh, what a neat concept!  I can't be of much help, but I'm definitely following this!  Early AS was a vibe.

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Reply by tai undead


Adult Swim bumps may sometimes contain footages of nature. You could try and incorporate that element into your page as a contrast to the strict black and white.

Another direction you can take it is by using some Anime shoots from shows that air on Toonami. Or the general futuristic outerspace theme from the early 2000s. 

Since adult swim bumps are generally mostly black and white, you can use that black and white aesthetic as a base.

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Reply by JillTheSomething


Agreeing with above but another thing
dont use pure black but go for a very dark gray instead, your eyes will thank you.

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Reply by xxBuffy_


Following. ; cool idea,want to see ! 

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