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ways to progress you artstyle???

I've been an artist for a while now but I've been drawing less and less over time but only because I've been frustrated with my art style. muscle memory brings me back to a style that I'm personally not satisfied with, so I wanted to know about any strategies out there that have been helpful in progressing an art style.

Any feedback would help!


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Reply by angel


an easy way is to just study artists you like! try redrawing their art, you can see and practice replicating what characteristics of their art you really like that way and then incorporate that in your style

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Reply by tulima


hey!! what angel said is a good way to get back into art while also learning more techniques. i rmbr watching a video yesterday that talked abt how observing ppl's art style n studying is one of the most important pieces to learning art. 

what id say too is just use references with art if you get frusturated with your art. i feel as if anatomy, shading, coloring, n perspective, etc can be a hard thing for artists but using references is a good way to learn while also being able to draw what you want exactly. you can either use ref photos online, or find websites that have a 3d model that you can move n shape n morph into something you want to draw exactly. or you can also buy little art mannequin figures that you can interact with irl n morph it into a specific pose, angle, etc. 

anyway keep at it n good luck !! :-)

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Reply by meltdownbabe<3


Unpopular opinion: Copy diff artist to until you get to know what you really want in your style, also studying a lil bit of anatomy and using geometry helps alot !! gl felll0w artist I wish you da best! Keep trying until you feel comfortable uwu<3

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Reply by uukipi


p much what everyone here already said! plus finding something you really like like a fandom or character helps with improving! It gets you motivated to draw and having people to share in your love with that "thing" keeps you motivated and inspired!

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