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genshin impact is overrated

Posted by SwagMiner


Forum: Games

guys i think is too boring and characters are very simple like they the don't develop in any way they just exist lol and mechanics are boring too so rate only 3/10 and i dont undersyand people who play this game every day 

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Reply by Gray


But anime girls!!!!!!!

That's probably the only reason why people play it

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Reply by kkeysty


i actually think this is because it is available for all type of gamers, that's why that is the first game for a lot of teenagers. It's free + has anime style + simple mechanics + doesn't need a lot of time per day (for example, dota needs at least 40-60 minutes for one game)

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Reply by ひーたん


i agree sm cause ur just doing the same thing every time u get on and like i used to LOVE genshin sm but its soo boring now like w stories and quests n stuff like u cant even skip them like u gotta click thru each dialogue and overall the game feels like a chore to play....

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Reply by l8n1t3


I agree, genshin is boring as hell

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Reply by M


that game desperately needs a skip-all-dialogue button

(i did like Parts of the story but oh my goodness i do not want to read all of that crap. i stopped during inazuma i couldn't do it anymore ;_; i don't even find any of htese anime characters attractive i feel liek that's the main reason people ply)

co-op with friends is fun tho

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