« Art and Photography Forum

teh art

Posted by floodedforest11


Forum: Art and Photography

juz share ur art here I want 2 see sum cause i'm sure it's amazing(good way) lul.......

(NO WEIRDOS!!!!!!!!)

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Reply by Mist Sterious


Reply by Robot


"It is a great way to learn and use your art to get your own ideas out. The idea of sharing your work with the community and to get a better understanding is very important."

It's also very useful to share your art in the comments. I like it a lot because of my art being used for the community.

I also want it for my friends to be used to my works. I think I can make it better for my friends and make their own use for me. I want my art for them to get used and used by others, and not for me. It makes it easy to learn.

"If you're going to be using this to make something that's cool and useful then make it fun and interesting and fun and fun and fun. You'll see how it will be appreciated."

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