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Creepypasta Post Affects

I wanna hear how creepypasta (Both the story site and characters) affected us all over the years. Personally for me, it helped my imagination grow and I would create my own elaborate stories. 

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CREEPYPASTA ALTERED MY BRSIN CHEMISTRY O____O;;; It encouraged me to write more horror stories and indulge in horror media, it changed my type in men and women, it burned my crops and drank my tap water /dram

But I love it so much :( it’s so nostalgic for me I miss it hehe

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Reply by _Local_gh0st_


Creepypastas defined my life, from the way i dress to my art, everytime i have an artblock the only thing that can take me out of it is creepypastas, it also help me learning english and feeling more like myself

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