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Posted by etherangel


Forum: Life

At this time the people that I live with which including me and my husband is 7, 5 of those are his family, he buys food I buy food his dad buys food, it isn't enough to feed 7 people for a month, his sister has 2 kids who she decides to not buy food for at the house, I try to get them what I can, mind you I was hit by a car, so I've had no income for a month and a half,I see them go out and eat while there is no food at the house, their mom is disabled she cannot work, we are struggling with this because it is not fair to this family, it is not fair to me or my husband that we now have this invisible responsibility for showing up for these people when they can't even show up for themselves, it's been I don't know how many months this has been going on, his sister buys countless things with her room packed like a hoarder, and yet she can't spend money to put food for her family, disregard me, at least for her mom and her kids, what is wrong with these people. 

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