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the glorious 25th of may

Posted by beebo


Forum: discworld enthusiasts!! Group

happy night watch day everyone!! very cool of terry pratchett to write the Book to ever exist 

edit: cant BELIEVE i forgot to add (actually its pretty believable) one of THE discworld quotes ever:

'peace, justice, freedom, reasonably priced love and a hard boiled egg!!' i love that line sm :,> nd idk if this is a quote but i saw someone say this nd i wanted to add it here too 'You do the job that's in front of you. You eat and you feed one another and you sing. Maybe you'll find truth and justice along the way.' please keep going whoever is reading this, not a lot of things are reasonably priced nowadays except for love ofc and i havent seen a lot of peace lately and even less justice, but getting a hard boiled egg is still pretty easy huh? with the lack of good stuff lately please make sure to take care of yourself, without you there would be even less good stuff in this world which would be shitty. maybe if we keep going we can find the more lofty stuff we all wanted in the beginning and hopefully a few more boiled eggs along the way cause they taste pretty good and stuff.

heres this btw i searched up badass lilacs nd i got this very regular lilac which is p cool

lilacs yea

and ik no one will see this post but i feel like i should at least leave this link here for pratchett


no pressure or anything obviously do whatever is in your means.

gnu terry pratchett, thanks for this wonderful book

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