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Lain PSX

have you guys played the lain ps1 game yet? its a little confusing, especially since its only in japanese, and if you dont speak japanese you have to follow along with a pdf, but i recommend it. y'know, for the culture

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Reply by Punpunnyyy


i played a bit at school and at home, i really didnt do much at all tho, i might actually put it the time into playing the entire game eventually

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Reply by ByteRogue


I've played through quite a bit of it and seen all of the cutscenes. Still working my way through the audio logs between their diary entries, tho. It's quite a game to get through, so I've had to take breaks when playing by myself for too long.

Here's a really good way to play it (with translations) online: 


The site has a simplified version that u can use to take notes of which nodes u have seen while playing as well. This really comes in handy due to the massive number of memories there are to go through and it's quite easy to lose ur place in-between play sessions.

Another good resource that made the game a bit easier for me to understand before fully diving into it was this YouTube video by Hazel: 


Hope this helps, and let's all love Lain

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Reply by L-Darko


The shower scenes were something I didn’t expect, and it was not something I wanted to see. God, my eyes…, agh…

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Reply by Narimene


i found the game personally good,and preferred the game's plot than the anime's,but i didn't like how it turned out and the end and wished for (somewhat) a good ending like the anime did,when i had my old pc the game just couldn't play on my screen so i used the simplified game mode,and after buying a new one and being able to play the original game i realized that the simplified version was much easier to play and to understand the plot,since the game is pretty slow and it doesn't read all the files in the correct way wich can be hard to understand hearing them talk about something you have no idea about,so i consider visiting the simplified mode for plot understanding!:)

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