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Bring back forums for literally anything

We need random forums back, there used to be forums for everything from dogs wearing hats to homestuck.Β 

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Reply by NosyCat


Yeah, but for whom. You have kids coming here and asking how the site works, and in particular the forums. They only know WhatsApp and similar. Also forums require moderation, and people can't or won't put in the work anymore. So those that are still around may well be the very last once they go.

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Reply by Motte


i dont think its that kids dont know how forums work, i mean reddit is basically just a mother-forum for all its baby sub-forums, and kids know how reddit work. (even if it is a much more polished and modern version of the forums we're imagining lol)

would be really cool to see some popular subreddits break off into their own sites though. the only downside to that would be having random forums filled with ex-redditorsΒ 

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Reply by Melted Mallow


I don't know that people are really prepared for the randomness that comes with a forum. They need moderation, sure, but users have to have a sort of... balance in order to use them.

Sometimes, people will say things you don't like or is snarky and readers need to be able to see that and move on. We can't control literally everything we see on the internet. We also can't demand personal information out of people and demand they "not interact" if they don't fit a particular checklist.

Like, I would love it, but I'm sort of pessimistic on the topic.

(Also, forums require people to respond to each other within the thread to keep a conversation going. I don't see that happening.)

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Reply by NosyCat


You don't see replies happening here because 1) there's no quote button (you can't even see the topic while composing a reply) and 2) topics aren't sorted by last post, and there's no indication of new posts, so it's hard to even remember which conversations you were in. There's a reason why literally every dedicated forum app made in the, oh, last quarter century has this stuff and more.

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Reply by Melted Mallow


@nosycat, SpaceHey has flaws, but I'm more commenting on general social media usage. One of my tightest communities was built in the comment section of a "blog"--no notifications, no specific threads, no tagging... We would switch to a fresh post when the comment count got out of hand.

(Heavy quotes on "blog", because we weren't there to read a post.)

Though it did take care of that problem of not remembering which threads we were in, because there was just the one.

To catch up, we'd have to scroll up through the comments and just read time stamps. 'Course it was a bit slower than something like Reddit with a community of maybe 20-40 people, so it was possible to sort of catch up. Sort of.

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Reply by NosyCat


Well, yeah, you need community, not software. If you have the community, you can have a conversation over pretty much anything, even a wiki. And we don't have much of a community here. That's too bad.

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REAL!, I have been saying this a lot!, the problem is that people don't know how to use the internet, like I have seen a lottt of people saying that "they don't use tumblr cuz they don't understand how to used it", people used to know HTML code and know is very rare

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Reply by Dylan


reddit offers a similar function - switch to the classic design for more of a 'forum' look

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Agreed. Forums have better moderation and aren't usually as toxic as most modern social media sites are. I have accounts on several forum websites and I'm only 16 1/2 (turning 17 in August).

Plus, I like seeing the little Ticker Factory tickers in a user's signature on some forum websites.

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Reply by Sofia Rina


Random forums? I mean, a forum is organized just like Reddit which has lots of sub forums.

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